Poor Erock

2  2015-10-02 by Dennyislife

He's just got his geek show and its all going to go away


Yeah right. E-Rock is probably loving the Opie hate because of all the unfunny, mean shit Opie has said to him. He probably reads this sub daily smiling, while drinking a really sugary drink.

Erock likes his treats.

That's why he has teets.

*Arnold Palmer

Sir we don't have time to discuss Erock's show right now, can't you see we're in the middle of a war?

Oh s-shit. You're in this thread, good. Fuck I've been looking all over for you im_not. Right flank of YouTube comments just collapsed but it's been contained.. bu-.. but...COP Virus on twitter took heavy blocking and losses. We formed a salient behind BaldOpie and it worked but.. your friend mike is gone im_not.. the.. the bastards banned his domain.. there's no way to evade it. I'm sorry.

" Zips in the wire "

Opie is not going anywhere and Erock could take this podcast or even keep it at SXM. Doubt it costs much (other than Giddles) and its got a niche audience that is good for sponsors, lots of geeks with Prince Nagel-like fortunes.

While I too agree that Denny is in fact life itself, I'm gonna have to see some evidence sir

Please allow me time to finish my thesis

Shit better be peer reviewed

Sir, I had no idea what you were on about, until I seen the gentleman's username above.

Fair enough sir, fair enough.

Am I the only one that is sick of the phony ironic love of Denny?

Why do you dislike Denny? A lot of people here don't have 'phony ironic love' for him, they genuinely like the guy.

I don't dislike him, I just don't care about him. I just hate faux irony.

I also don't like the fake cult of personality that people here try to build around Erock.

its not phony i think he's great

*Arnold Palmer

Erock likes his treats.