I'm seeing a lot of blacks attacking tits on twitter.

27  2015-10-02 by Jaaahhh

Who knew they cared about homeless people so much. Or do they just like having a reason to bash a white millionaire?


Don't think. Just flow with the hate.

Thinking for yourself will get you nowhere in this world.

This like when the West and the USSR teamed up to beat Hitler (Titler).

Pretty entertaining actually.

they like cake


Or maybe they're doing it for the same reason as the white people.

e.milkmarie12I seen a video on Facebook some white guy from Opieradio asking a homeless man offering some cake he was told to put the cake on the ground and it was stepped on. The white guy from Opieradio was laughing at him like it was cool. That was such an awful move. Smh

ah ok, the WHITE guy from opie and anthony

Anthony is a moor, we all know this.

he's transracial though, which is a real thing

First we were using SJWs to attack from the "privilege" angle. Now we're exploiting racial tension and sending the constantly-upset black community after him. The next group needs to be the LGBT people, I'm thinking there's enough shit in the archives to get him branded a bigot.

Opie is all in with the schwoogies.