Tit's Twitter Feed - Grab some popcorn

7  2015-10-02 by EskimoEscrow


shit,he's getting 200 Tweets and hour...maybe he does have 300000 followers.



2015-10-02 01:29 UTC

@OpieRadio @intouchweekly fuck the story behind it. You're fucking trash dude.

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2015-10-02 01:15 UTC

@OpieRadio You're fucking pure filth for doing that regardless of the time idgaf you're just a trash person

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Who are these whinging babies?

The sirens of the apocalypse.

Haha oh wow


2015-10-02 01:31 UTC

You stupid fucking piece of shit fuck you and your shitty fucking XM channel you're fucking garbage @OpieRadio

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2015-10-02 01:28 UTC

@subredditsbot @OpieRadio get cancer you fucking retard.. You stepped on a homeless guys cake..

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2015-10-02 01:20 UTC

@OpieRadio Hey, fuck you.

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2015-10-02 00:54 UTC

@OpieRadio I will find u and I will fucking kill you , don't fuck with people on the street

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2015-10-02 01:28 UTC

@subredditsbot @OpieRadio get cancer you fucking retard.. You stepped on a homeless guys cake..

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2015-10-02 01:15 UTC

@OpieRadio You're fucking pure filth for doing that regardless of the time idgaf you're just a trash person

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