Jocktober Casualties

11  2015-10-01 by awfulradio

Its been one day and I have already lost 2 twitter accounts and my facebook. I didn't even really say anything that harsh. Just want to say fuck you Opie and Justin.


I got one of my accounts suspended too. At first I was upset, then I made 45 more accounts and felt a lot better.

So you're the one hater with multiple alts. Everything's cool, Opester, we found him!


You'll never be able to walk past a case of Club Soda at the supermarket ever again without the little hairs on the back of your neck raising up, and that little voice inside whispering "He knows."

Oddly enough, I've only been blocked by Lindy West when I thanked for her calling out Opie.

I got blocked by The Stangel Bros this morning


I've been pretending to be appalled by the cake stomping and I'm inundated with new SJW followers so I feel like a casualty.


"Didn't even really say anything that harsh. Just want to say fuck you Opie and Justin." You're like a comedy genius or something, man.

A dummy account isn't a casualty. Twitter and Facebook aren't stupid. They disable those accounts quickly. Use your real facebook next time.

Shut up Jimmy, you fag.