Can you fucks not get them fired this contract period

32  2015-10-01 by Skegleg

We are coming up on Lasagna Hat Leap Year for fucks sake. I've been waiting 3 years for this shit.


I wonder what this sub would do IF we were able to accomplish the impossible


Then Norton would be a free agent...

we would be shocked, congratulate ourselves, then scatter like roaches

I remember when Jimmy said that and I thought, "Man that's a long time from now, I wonder if I'll still give a shit about the show then." Needless to say I'm embarrassed at myself for still coming here every day.

Alright, call it off

In case anyone doesn't know about Lasagna Hat Leap Year there's also a website dedicated to the cause.

I'm pretty sure everyone here is fully aware of LHLY, thanks though.

It's in the sidebar. LHLY will be the true end of O&A. It's like our Mayan calendar.


You and me both, my friend