Cakes are terrible nutrition, full of saturated fat and refined sugars. Opie saved that man from diabetes. A hero!

0  2015-10-01 by Ant_Sucks

If I could go back in time and stomp on Patrice's shitty fatty lunch I would. He'd still be with us today. Think of how much healthier the world would be if we all cake stomped. Stomp some chubby fucker's cake today and make the world a better place.


Fuck you, fuck diabetes, fuck Opie, and fuck the homeless. Any man that would stomp on a cake is an animal. I'm only here to defend cake.

Cake killed Patrice before killing this thing

Cake is a monster

Even trade.

What is that thing? It's got huge tits. I'd eat a good piece of cake with it.

She has a beautiful face, damn shame.

Good lord.

Someone needs to edit the cake stomp into an anti sugar psa commercial with smiling opie after the stomp Calling u/koolaider

Not to mention that you just KNOW that the homeless have terrible dental plans. All that sugar is just completely destroying that poor man's teeth.

(sighs) I miss Patrice.

haha your right, Opie is a national hero!

Even trade.

What is that thing? It's got huge tits. I'd eat a good piece of cake with it.

She has a beautiful face, damn shame.

Good lord.