Kenny's done with you fucks

0  2015-10-01 by OpesterDefender

I don't blame him


Kenny hates anyone who realizes they are of a much higher intelligence than him.

And he's a straight up retard

So what you're saying is, Kenny hates anyone older than 7?

No. Jimmy for instance thinks Kenny isn't a dumb guy. Also Kenny is probably smarter than opie.

But Jim is a dummy too. Nobody associated with this show is all that bright.

Including people who post on a reddit dedicated to the show?

We are the dummys who listen to those dummys.

Kenny your job is to Suck Opie's cock. Do that and shut the fuck up.

Or tits which Opie offered up yesterday.

Yes, he can suck those as well. As long as he isn't talking.

Look out, another old man is mad at the internet!

Go back and type that into your magic box you nerds!

Including people who post on a reddit dedicated to the show?

Yes, he can suck those as well. As long as he isn't talking.