Lets not forget get about this worthless disgusting fat piece of shit waste of life. I hate him so much. He doesn't deserve oxygen. Nobody loves him in fact everyone hates him. Just go away. Fuck you Roland!

32  2015-10-01 by unclepaul84


I hope he takes a spill down the stairs.

Pedestrian Star Wars shirt

"I need to lose weight. Shit that is hard. I know! I'll become a " foodie" to justify my fatness and lack of self control"!

I would feel sorry for him because obesity sucks but be is so smug and arrogant for no reason that I can't.

You don't need to waist your energy hating him something tells me he hates himself more then we ever will and he's only 3 croughnuts away from a massive culinary

Was going to be a grammar nazi... but with Roland... "waist" is the proper word.


Twas a play on words...ME: That's the bit

This guy didn't get it!

TEE HEE HEE HEE! Ees delicious.

Im glad someone is bringing this asshole up. "Ohh, dont make the panda angry." "Watch out with Roland!" Fuck you you fat unfunny fuck.


(Explosion/30 second tiger growl)

Woah. Calm down. Roland can handle himself because he outwitted Vos once.

Yeah we get it. What did he do now?


Where you at with this Roland guy?

His bald conehead is always sweaty in every photo.

Roland has more in common with Tits now since he also cried like a bitch on air.


I hope they have to amputate his foot when the diabetes gets to bad

Tell us how you really feel!


My gut impulse is to hate Roland, but then the partially rational side of me says "Although I can't stand him on air, it was Opie that dragged him into the show." If not for the ship steerer, Roland would have remained anonymously behind the scenes & we'd know naught of him.

Opie brought him out and of course beat the bit to death because "Roland talks funny."

I just can't look at him without thinking of the sound the captive bolt pistol makes in No Country For Old Men.

It's just amazing that erock is called fat all the time when roland is literally 100 lbs fatter and uglier. He's also obviously a gay which is never brought up

I forgot how much I hate this guy.

Listen to Roland attack ESDs unborn children to rekindle some of that hatred.

My hatred needed no rekindling, but that sweaty, mumbling cum licking fatty did that? I didn't know it was possible to hate a gravy-sweating, Mexican John Wayne Gacy looking motherfucker so much. I hope he goes out the same way Kenneth Pinyan did.

Yes, he was completely serious about it too and East side Dave was just fucking around. http://youtu.be/PvbTGfgbtAs

You must never forget.


I wonder how many years it's been since some fat mess fucked this fat mess

Would not be surprised if he's a virgin.

His love life's been slow ever since he was warned to stay well away from that playground.

Man, tell the people how you really feel.

He looks like some kind of Sephardic Jew.

ol' roland compost

Why? what has he ever done wrong haha


(I laughed even harder at this one)

Honestly I'd take Roland over the Stangel any day.