Confession of a Former Opie fan

11  2015-10-01 by Jordash995

I've listened to the show since 2006. Everyday for hours on end. I'm one of these super fans that opie thinks he's passed us by.

When this whole thing went down between opie and ant, I really didn't have a dog in the fight. I thought ant was going to race as a crutch and a way to be angry.

But I've genuinely started hating opie over the past few weeks. This especially came through in the 2006 audio. He always tried to control Patrice and did passive aggressive crap like get mad at Bob Kelly in those old shows.

Tits went off the rails with Twitter. He's always had this need to go viral (brother man, wow, etc) but he's just become this awful loser. It's like he Hawks stuff like funny mofos which is embarrassing. Who wants that signed crap from him?

Opie is a tortured man who's trying to prove he doesn't need Anthony. To do that he needs to crest a show that's not O&A. No 50 gallon drums, no pattie, and no pests. We should just forget about how this guy.


shoulda listened to me faggot

Leave it alone...

Did you think when you started this crusade against Opie, that Tits would be used more than his name?

I say this sub has grown.

"blossomed" would be a more accurate term I think

or, perhaps, the virus is spreading?

yes, soon the host will die

Just like his bosoms.

I'm totally with you here.

The most annoying thing about all of this is that there will never be an honest conversation with him about how everything changed. Everyone is instantly a "hater." And I get that some people come at him in a fucked up way, trying to be funny, but if someone tried to have an honest, mature conversation about how everything played out, he'd brand them no different and punt them.

I was just listening to that clip where Patrice and the boys are talking about The Who at the Superbowl halftime show when that racist caller from Kentucky called up. Opie actually told Patrice to let her speak in the middle of him trashing her. Then Patrice gets the caller to say "nigger" and Opie takes the credit by saying "I know what I'm doing". I wish Patrice would've called him out but he liked him too much.

I have a similar history. Didn't really have a favorite, but when Anthony left, it became clear within weeks that Opie as just straight up not funny or entertaining.

(Standing Applause) You are dead on. This is how everyone I know feels about him now.

I only ever tolerated Tits because he was part of a hilarious show. Once the show stopped being funny and I started listening to my favorite episodes for the 4th, 5th, and 6th time it's pretty much become impossible to not hear the crap titty boi would do. I honestly can't get through most clips anymore because of Shitty McTitty taking calls mid riff, or outright moving on, and sometimes worse. It's baffling how a human being can be around so many talented and funny people for so long and never gain an ounce of self awareness.

yeah join the club... I only started listening maybe a year before Ant was fired, and never had any hate towards Opie at all...but now that I've been treated to just Opie for a year, I've become a full-fledged hater. It really ruins even old O&A clips when it's impossible to ignore Opie's glaring character flaws.

Idiots that try to be viral never gets it. Being viral something given to you if your shit is awesome enough for the average idiot to share with friends. His shit is never awesome, therefore, he will never be viral - at least not be viral the way he wants it. The gloryhole video he did is putting up the numbers!

Jordan Kay?
