Jon Bernthal Calls Out Opie (10/01/2015)

98  2015-10-01 by Johnniebutters


Hahahahahaha. Jon Bernthal is the man. Opie sounds nervous and angry, but then he goes into Opie mode and can't shut the fuck up about it.

Let's make him have to explain this shit everyday.

Every time Opie retells the story he becomes closer and closer to Andrew. Waiting for the version where Andrew is Opie's roommate and Opie was just playing a silly prank on him.

Yep. And like someone else suggested, since Andrew is such a good friend and so close to the show, someone needs to ask Tits where he is now.

This is very important.

Opie had Andrew killed.

Just keep bombaring his future guests with the video. It's going to be fantastic.


"But wasn't like d-...but...ih...NO NO! cuz you're ASKIN! so.." ultra high pitch exasperation on "asking".


Jon Bernthal looks like that character in a movie who's a badass that could snap any neck in the room but has some eccentric pet cause for comedy purposes. Like he would walk in and be like "if there's one thing Jon Bernthal doesn't stand for, it's picking on the homeless community..." And Middle-Of-The-Road-Jimmy just sits there and hopes the storm passes. In this dream, Jon Bernthal pummels Opie in the face and kidneys.

If he punched Opie on air It would have been the most sucessful Jocktober ever. Surpassing what we did to that Ferrell dude, that gravel voiced sports fuck. (though technically it predates Jocktober, it was the same behavior)

I won't settle for anything less than Opie physically assaulted on air. We should not only try to turn planned guests against him, but encourage mentally unstable, physically dangerous guests to request appearances.

Show that cake stomp video to some nigga from Harlem, Opie would have to keep his doors and windows locked

Scott Hall kind of fits that bill

Scott Hall has that demeanor of a guy who would lecture you for disrespecting a woman but then beat a man to death with a shopping cart.

He's lucky he got hooked up with the DDP yoga/sobriety program or that sentence would go "Scott Hall has that demeanor of a guy who would lecture you for disrespecting a woman but then beat a man to death with a shopping cart (which contains all of his worldly possessions)"

Then sticks his face between those two knockers and goes "aaaaaahhhhhhshuckashuckashuckashuckashucka"

"Hey bro, don't be goin around messin with the less fortunate. You wanna throw down?"

He really is going Full Howard. He is disowning everything that put him in a mansion as an adult. Who wants to listen to moral sermonizing about "haters" from this hypocritical multimillionaire?

Give the fucking money up, you sham.

It's also what he used to trash Mancow about. How he tried to distance himself from his former shock-jockery. Make millions being an asshole, then act holier-than-thou like that was the old you.

Opie has changed, that was years ago. He's now a father to his river children.


We should ride up on Opie's place with AKs in a blacked out Escalade wearing ski masks and blasting "Gimme the Loot"

Exactly. Say what you want about Opie in the past, but he often owned up to what he was. Now he's pulling the PC shit. So Marci Turk got a hold of him or what?

To think of all the people his money could help or feed... what a shame.

"It's a place where they punish you with their mental illness" opie actually said that about twitter with no sense of irony.

At least jim had to acknowledge it.

Are people actually emailing [email protected] asking for Opie to be fired over this stuff? Opie was a young 46 years old when this incident happened guys. Who didn't do stupid things when they were 46?

Hahaha, 46, ahahaha, ohhh god

I know, we all do dumb shit at 46. We need context.

I love how Opie keeps trying float this bullshit that Andrew was a big part of the show and was in on it. Also, I don't think Opie understands what context means.

He heard Jim say it yesterday so as he's done the past 10 years, he's just parroting him.

The only "context" that would make it any better is if he'd just seen someone lace the cake with cyanide.

Knowing the whole story really doesn't make it OK for Opie. Man founds a cake and he offers to share with two millionaire assholes and one of them stomps on it. Oh, he gave him money afterwords, well why not give the help anyway without stripping a man of what little dignity he has left?

Oh, they knew him...? he was a ''friend'' of the show?:

I remember clearly Jimmy talking about hunting in Africa, saying, if you like the wildlife, why not just give money from the start, without killing animals, and everyone in studio agreed. Well... not that different.

This can be proven or disproven if someone just listens to the walkover over audio.

Opie's defense is I walked past that homeless guy all the time. So when I do something mean to him it's not bullying.

Was opie so lame as a kid no one even bothered bullying him?

Love his Freudian slip "the guy was making a boatload of money for us."

Probably not, I guess Opie was one of those beta douchebags who avoided being bullied by enthusiastically joining in with the bigger kids bullying the weaker ones. Because he's a cunt.

"I'm glad you brought it up! I mean, we are trying to move on from it."

Stupid, stupid, stupid man.

Great Success

Holy shit you fuckers actually did it

Jocktober Intensifies

I bet he pulls some Howard shit from now on and tells the guests off air not to bring it up.

Well if they weren't, it's gonna happen now.

Andrew Owens 9 minutes ago

You know who really loves the cock? You obsessive fucking losers that can't quit the show despite spending every weekday of your life repeating yourself. It's fine to hate Opie and think he sucks, I do as well, but holy shit get a life already. Don't you have anything better to do than repeating yourselves?

Good lapdog.

I can't wait to see Bernthal as the Punisher.

Viral Spiral Army Nigga!

The irony of him repeating himself while chiding anyone else is hysterical.


He's probably not very smart, but he's in good movies and shows.

He was a fucking maniac in Fury, fantastic movie if you haven't watched it. It's probably the best thing Shia has been in as well, he was great. We left the theater with borderline PTSD.

Yeah, fury had amazing acting, but the movie was pretty meh to me, personally.

I don't know about watching it at home, but at the theater it was a good watch, it was super loud, so really immersive. There were several super tense parts that I enjoyed.

Yeah, it was just the 5v300 part that annoyed me to the point of disliking the movie.

While slightly convoluted / beyond belief, there are lots of stories of people in war holding off 100's of people for long periods of time, esp. in WWII. Although in the movie it did seem like the Germans could have gotten them out a little quicker.

Certainly, but not from that exposed position. It really took away from an otherwise great movie.

I Ctrl+F'd this thread to make sure someone pointed this out. Thanks

a grown man who says rock n roll man to another grown man who says haters - they are meant for each other yeyeyeyeyyeyeyea

"Oh those twitter douches!"

Pre-emptive keeeeiiid.

I love how jimmy immediately distanced himself. Smart boy.

so how many times was Andrew in studio tits?? how many times did you sit down with the guy and show some compassion for the guy?? never, so suck a dick. your back peddling looks pathetic and we have answers for every excuse you throw. ME: IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO!! was it? what about when you smashed another homeless persons guitar? what about when you bullied any radio show you could get your fat nipples onto? those were both AFTER the cake stomp. I truly enjoy watching the once "obedient" pests take you down u two talking old fuck

Did he really say we'd see these "characters" everyday on the walkover? Like homeless people are just character in his little play to mock and shit on.

Hahaha. Opie immediately starts parroting Jimmy from yesterday. He said the word 'context' about 8 times within the first second of Jon bringing it up without having a fuckin clue what he was talking about. He was trying to hard to remember what Jimmy said but just couldnt do it.

Thanks for posting this. I was about to give Titsy a bit of credit for not sounding like a complete idiot in this clip.

Gosh damn hater agenda!

This has been such a good week.

why what else happened?

I found $20 in a urinal and the lump in my testicle was just a painful cyst.

Holy shit I loved him as Shane when he fucked homeboy's wife and I love him even more now!

The Punisher in the new Daredevil show almost pummels a New York ginger who is only blind when it comes to himself.

This pretty much sums it up.


He also says people like you guys are part of the pussifcation of America and are losers.

OK "evilblueyoshi" you fucking faggot

Good one.

"I'm a grown man, you're a grown man."

He doesn't know Opester well.

ME: "I was going for a reaction from Jimmy and Anthony."

Of course you were you needy dolt. As I've always said, he's the oblivious douche in your teenage friend group that everyone tolerates because he is the one with a car. He desperately grabs for anything to validate his existence in the group beyond being used for his "car". I love how he keeps justifying his action with this rebuttal totally unaware of how lame he sounds.

That was the whole fucking point of the Opie and Anthony Show, numb nuts. If you NEVER liked the premise of the show. Then what the fuck are you people complaining about?

I even laughed at the cake incident honestly. The difference is the desperation. If you are offended by my take on Opester's place in the social order, or don't understand it, I must assume you are the "Opester" of your group.

Anthony and Jimmy were never desperate for the other's attention. They would get it every minute because they actually have talent and wit and enjoy each other's company. Same for the old regular comedians. Opester has to sit there for 3+ hours everyday just straining to get one in and feeling inadequate. I hate dimwits and insecurity. The Opester typifies both exquisitely.

Actually no, I've always been the babysitter of my friends. I understand what you mean, I actually don't like O&J at all, and subscribe to TACS. But Opie's part was always still part of the show. If it was just Jimmy and Ant the Opie and Anthony show never would have been as good or as big as it was. That is a fact. My problem is this subs hate-obsession with something that's been going on for 20+ years. Makes me think you all have only listened for a few years and mostly best of stuff on YouTube. The fact is that they didn't ruin the shows as much as you dummies did.

I've been a listener since pre-sex for Sam. My credentials hold up. I can count on my hands how often an Opester bit or contribution made me laugh. He is the "radio" guy, and radio guys suck (brotha wease). They're corny and zoo-y. The entire reason an audience gravitated to o&a or Stern back in the day was their distinct difference from typical radio guys. I never cared about bits, contests, or tits on the radio (real tits, not the artist formally known as Opester). I enjoyed banter between wits, talking topics, and ripping each other apart. That's the funny. The rest has always been tolerated on my part.

Fair enough.

Sounds like your the opie of your group

Who the he'll is John Berthall?

He was on Walking Dead, Wolf of Wall Street and will soon play the Punisher on Daredevil

His career is over before it started, you don't call out the Opester.

Bernthal is a boxer and has some great stories. He was on Dean Delray's podcast last year and has this crazy one about when he was a bouncer and got in this epic 5-10 minute long fight with this dude in an alley once in the pouring rain. I think he got his ass kicked too.

Im so psyched he's gonna play the Punisher on Daredevil, fuckin A.

Is that before or after he got the special glasses

Im not sure what this reference is, sailor.


"Twitter is a place to punish you with their mental illness" - Opie.

As opposed to having to listen to his mental illness on the radio. Also, motherfucking Shane is the greatest. I want a Jimmy and Jon Bernthal show now.

Jesus, all this fake outrage this week ,,,I think I'm starting to believe it.

I'm all in with it

Even though I want to hear opie get put in his place I can't listen to a single second of that shit show

This was great. So uncomfortable

TV's Punisher confronts real life Homeless Bully Radio host at SiriusXM headquarters in NYC.

I think when Daredevil's second season is released that would be the angle to go for. Since Jon Bernthal plays a vigilante in NYC who would deal with bad people like Opie/Tits.

What if it was a side story all SVU style, lmao

Bernthal is a real man's man.

Idk this guy.

He was on the walking dead and he's going to play Frank Castle/the punisher on the daredevil series on netflix

Oh it's that guy? That makes this a million times cooler. Fucking bad ass great actor

Idk. I have never seen walking dead. My cousin is one of the producers of daredevil and I'm still not watching that shit.

Both shows are great IMO, especially Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead stinks on ice. Terrible characters and garbage storytelling.

Sounds good.

Yea I've been told it was good by many people but have never been given a description of the show that interested me.

It's very hit and miss by season. Seasons 1 and 3 are universally great; the rest are mixed bags.

Cool. I'll have to remember that.

Lol, fair enough.

He was the badass the the goatee in Wolf of Wall Street.

The pill dealer?


Oh. Nm. He's cool with me.

gotta love him here

He was really good in the movie "fury". Not a great movie, but his performance was top notch.

Is that about putting on costumes and fucking people in hotel bathrooms?

Almost. It's about a tank squad in Berlin Germany towards the end of WW2.

That sounds wonderful and I will watch it as soon as I shit a Chinese baby.

How dare you!

Someone is going to get reassigned to Sam's show after labeling the shows official video "calls out opie."

Off to smackdown.

not the official channel dude.


this is hilarious

Exemplary work men

This subreddit has to win top prize as most hilarious the fact that you guys did this /are doing this couldn't not make me more happy. The irony is genius

Don't forget we got Ant to use quite a bit of this sub's material to make Opie cry a couple months ago.

It's one thing for fans/random people to bring it up, but once guests, especially that guy you saw in that thing once, start bringing it upon air, you know nobody gives a fuck.

I'm going to be honest, I was super uneasy about everything you guys are doing because of exactly what Opie said "You guys are trying to take down the radio show" But man, everyone here should take their victory on this one.

god damn, they even made that boring



Jimmy immediately throws him under the bus hahaha "well he did it"

Hold on. Is this the official show channel?

Leave it alone....


No, no, no, no, no. Wait a minute, what?




Ahhhh I feel torn, love that Tits is getting smashed. It's just the predictable shitty way bloggers and sjws are handling it. They still get away with this nonsense of public shaming. Just sayin fellas

no matter what, they are going to find things to complain and rage about. at least we can utilize them to fit our "hater agenda" and get something out of their nonsense.

so awesome that he brought it up. was good in fury. our terror attacks r working

i love how opie keeps talking and talking and talking when the whole thing could have been wrapped up in 30seconds. hopefully his big cocksucker will get him in trouble when he babbles too long one of these days

"Oh it looks bad, it looks bad."

Yeah, that's because it is bad, you fucking sociopath.

Well done. This is funny as fuck

I'm curious as to why people here feel this is a victory. Jon does call Opie out, but instead of cowering Opie explains the situation. Then Jon calls people who hide behind social media pussies. Jimmy jokes about it, and they continue on with an entertaining interview. If anything, Opie looks better in this situation.

It's also why Opie won't be fired

Ol' middle of the road Jimmy with his super LOUD exaggerated laugh as Normand tries to break the ice with a throw away joke.

Shut the fuck up.

Nothing came of this, swing and a miss. They aren't rattled at all. Reddit - 0. Opie - 2. Down vote away.

How about a round of applause for Baghdad Bob everyone. What a great cameo!

Can do.

Delusional. Do nothing.


Is that about putting on costumes and fucking people in hotel bathrooms?

Opie has changed, that was years ago. He's now a father to his river children.

Don't forget we got Ant to use quite a bit of this sub's material to make Opie cry a couple months ago.

Show that cake stomp video to some nigga from Harlem, Opie would have to keep his doors and windows locked

Scott Hall kind of fits that bill

Opie had Andrew killed.