Don't post your scat porn and deformed penis pictures until you see the white of their eyes!!!

31  2015-10-01 by adolfin99

Wait until they're on the air first people.


I laughed out loud at the title of this post, sight unseen. If it makes you feel good.

I appreciate it sir, go ahead and plug your podcast if you want.

I'll plug my podcast "network." I can't stand my co host anymore so I started my own show called Live From The 405 where I pontificate while I'm sitting in traffic on the daily commute home from work. (An hour plus each way; maddening.)


Is Opie doing a Jocktober as well?

He wouldn't fucking dare.

I hope the Sam Roberts show does Jocktober. He was the brains behind it. Opie and Anthony and Jim rode on his coattails
