Why you hate Opie but cakestomp isn't necessarily one of the reasons for it

4  2015-10-01 by clickclack8

Look, we all know the fact that it was on the air and he's a shock jock doesn't really jive with the "rich psychopath ruining a homeless man's day for fun" narrative. In reality it's a radio host doing what he's done for years, knowing that it works and knowing that he needs to top the even stupider shit he's done before. It doesn't mean he's not a worthless idiot who needs to be culled for reaching the age of 45 and still being incapable of entertaining people without shock value but it doesn't make him evil in this instance. I know it's a couple days late but I thought it might help clarify if you also hate Opie but disagree with the SJWs and don't know why.


I agree. There are way better, more recent reasons to go after and goof on the Opester. This manipulating of the "sjw's" with the cake stomp rehash could be counterproductive, and end up empowering the public desire for censorship.

I know what you're saying but these SJWs just forget a cause after it blows over. There's no way it will empower their movement. Besides, we're talking about a radio show host who has MAYBE 10,000 listeners.

You unnecessarily clarify things like The Titter himself