Do you wanna suck on my tits? (loud volume)

27  2015-10-01 by kungfuego


This should play in the background as you enter this sub.

What was that emaciated creature in the studio? Not Norton, the other one.

It was Jesus Christ.

It was some tongue less homeless guy. As you would guess, Opie and jimmy drive the bit into the ground. Guess what? You can barely understand him.

A guy with no tongue? Sounds like a great idea for a radio guest.

Still sounded more intelligent than Opie.

A sack of potatoes with a mic in front of it would sound more intelligent that Tits.

Opster had a great wise crack about him sounding like Charlie Brown's parents. It seemed to be mysteriously sent to him via text by the slightly less awful Stengle brother. Opie's delivery was similar to that of a man reading something from his phone.

What a stupid douche