Attacking the guest Pt. 2. Please Read.

15  2015-09-30 by smokinswindler



O&A is like a disease that Ant and The FatBreastedNothing can't get rid of.

No matter what they do, we'll always be there reminding them how fucking terrible they really are.

This sub is going to be taken down in October mark my words

This post needs more slashes/ways to convey your thoughts.

Kenny, my friends. Kenny needs to feel the rumble of this sub. He mocked us. But Kenny is out there on the intertubes, peoples. Find it before he starts locking shit down....

Dude. Relax. Just hate what you hate. what's with the douchey planning?

I'm all-in with hate but the organizing and planning is kind of gay.

Just talk shit online casually. If you're going to focus on something hard just focus on your own life.

You guys should create a private sub to do these jocktober threads. It's obvious Opie and the staff read this site.

Get help

Someone had a brilliant idea. Opie should just put you retards on the air. This is what you sound like.

We are pretty much the same people who participated in previous jocktobers, and the shiw laughed and loved it when we harrased other shows though. We are pathetic, but we are the same losers who helped create one of the shows classics "bits"

I'm convinced this faggot is opie

Do you think Opie would willingly subject himself to this abuse?


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