Opie won 2.0 with Questions for the Cumia Ballwashers in here.

0  2015-09-30 by RickMirer3

If Anthony was the more talented of the 2 then how come...

  1. He has not had an offer from a major TV or Radio company. If Sirius can continue with Opie, surely Anthony would be seen as the prize pig.

  2. How come he could have taken that "comedic" talent and done ANYTHING with it with his money, technology, music skills, etc. and he chose to do something that has been done a billion times, right-wing political talk.

More questions... 1. If Anthony wanted his job back so bad, and it is only Opie's fault he didn't get it, why did he blow up any shot of that by doubling down and going on a White Nationalist Radio show just days after the shit storm?

  1. So how come everyone is mad at Opie for not "getting Ant his job back" but NO ONE is pissed at Jim Norton for re-signing and not going over to the basement show? (News story quote: Details of the duo’s new deal with SiriusXM are not fully public, but its been implied there’s a modest raise for both DJs with Norton not yet making “Anthony Cumia Money.”)

  2. What would any of you had done if you were Opie (Not your shitty, 30 k a year selves). But imagine you have a 2 kids, a home, a career and one of the best jobs in radio. What was he supposed to do?


They both suck. With a post like this, it's apparent who the real ball washer is. How's opies balls taste, sir?

It's probably against company policy for a viral spiral employee to wash Opie's balls.

Good one.


nice try ben

Get off the forum Opie

  1. Where would Anthony go? No venues other than Sirius for his type of humor other than podcast/internet. Commercial radio in NYC is completely corporate bland pc crap. Also Anthony is his own worst enemy doesn't mean talent isn't there, but he needs guidance (real production team not yes men). Doing his own thing doesn't work, he's feeding into is own problems and has no consequences.
  2. Sirius fired Anthony through Bob (agent). Anthony said that according to them he is persona non grata and he is banned from the building. He wasn't getting his job back.
  3. I don't blame Opie for staying there is no where else to go, he cant do podcast he stinks and Jimmy wanted steady job and paycheck. My problem is they should have went away for a while and left the channel a created a NEW show and went away to another channel on Sirius side like Ron did and try to rebrand and drop the Opie bullshit. All they do is just play a song in the beginning and have more guests. Stankels haven't made any real contributions, no bits no production, just googling and making up lame stories.

Do you want an answer to 1, or 1?

There were three 1's, actually

Dude, even the sycophant "Hi Opie!" guy eventually realized what a tool Opie is and bailed. Why are you still sucking his tiny cock?

Wrong sub try the tacs one maybe

I think Ant does not give a fuck, but at the same time had to do something to not become a total recluse/hermit. He has money. He is good. This show is done half assed.

Today's weather bit is a perfect example. It is embarrassing to think that it was planned out ... eesh.

When Ant is good - he is really good. When Opie isn't being a whiny cutting in bitch - the show can be good as well (kinda sorta).

Also it is more fun to hate on someone who reacts so badly, Ant may rant and rave but he moves on quickly, Opie on the other hand gets his whole world is a tizzy !

You have terrible numbering skills. Use bullets next time !

  1. How come?

Thankfully, I haven't noticed the Anthony fanboys around as much anymore. They were plentiful during the summer, though; when just a tiny bit of criticism was thrown towards him, they'd get all up in arms.

In fact, I'm sure a lot of the anti-Anthony sentiment on here helped grow because of fanboy/fangirl retards like them that acted as if anything Anthony said was 100% truth/correct/hilarious/whatever.

edit: Sirius has Anthony banned from the building, which is probably a permanent thing, I guess. Who knows. Maybe if Opie really rallied, the ban would be lifted, but who knows. Considering Sirius's cunty corporate nature, I'm sure it'd never happen, though.

They used to post a bunch of excuses and they kept getting shot down, so I don't think they bother anymore.

They do. Now they just downvote and harass individuals from their multiple alt accounts thinking it scares people off.

They harass? I don't get any of that. Just a lot of whining. How do I turn the whingers into harassers?

Slippery Slope fanboy will logout of OpaqueOpie long enough to create an "Ant_Suckss" account. Consider it a compliment. Imitation = Flattery

Where's your proof Gavin is paying for Ant's NYC studio? DassRaciss = Bullshit artist.
Simple review of your post history shows you've been attacking anyone who didn't obsessively hate cumia for past year, should've been banned. How's your teen daughter doing DassRaciss? Still a dirty little cum dumpster?


My nonexistent teen daughter and I would be laughing at your gout. Thanks to wherever that Hardly Davidson guy went for outing you, Slippery (My TACS sub sucks) guy.

Feel bad for ya laying awake at night knowing there are hunters out there like cumia on the prowl for your slut of a daughter

You're a bigger failure at stalking than you are at making your sub popular, and that's saying a lot.

You're the biggest failure at backing up any of the bullshit you peddle on here when you're not stalking and doxxing women on social media and that really says a lot more. Continuously posted Gavin was paying for Cumia's NYC studio til I called you out on your bullshit. You've posted you have a teen daughter now say you don't. One way or another, caught in another lie. It's clear why you're so afraid of doxxing, you're a deadbeat lying loser.

Link to my alleged teen daughter? Then prove Gavin doesn't help pay New York studio rent. You say he doesn't, and you create hundreds of alt accounts defending yourself, so prove it. Create another alt account calling yourself "BurdenOfProofGuy".


She looks my daughter's age. I can tell she's a kid. I don't think about fucking my daughter or her friends. I do think about the delight I'd feel burying your predator ass where no one would find you or miss you if you ever came around sniffing her panties.

Thank you, Slippery Slope Guy, for linking to a theoretical argument and confirming your insanity. Baited, hooked, and pathetic.

So all your lies = theoretical arguments, humiliating embarrassment. Hardly_Davidson aka Former_Tacs_Sub aka FormerTacsSub post history wasn't nearly as pathetic as yours but does the smart thing and deletes his account every couple of weeks. You really need to take that into consideration with all your lies, stalking and doxxing.

BurdenOfProofGuy, it's up to you to prove me wrong. Downvote me from that one, too.