Opie Vs Callers AND Kenny (09/30/2015)

52  2015-09-30 by Johnniebutters


"I've been doing this long enough to know..." "At the end of the day" "haters" "PERIOD!" "sniff". Opie played all his hits today!

Obviously the b track

Oh, I looooooove the Opester. I go deep with the Opesterrrssss. What about you guys?...

Oh, um, yeah, well, uhh...uhh...uhhh

Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I was gonna say but you didn't let me finish...I was a huge fan of his earlier work but not the later years...You

You missed the whole "you know it's weird how obsesssed you guys are over me" spiel.

ME: Look at me! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! Whoa, what do you mean I stink? Well, didn't know you were so obsessed with another man what are you gay I mean...

He did them all in a span of 9 minutes.

Kenny is somehow the lamest piece of shit dude around even when he's with opie.

It's hard to believe the NYPD has ever arrested anyone with standards so low that incompetent boob can become a cop.


A detective! Add that moron Keith to the equation and you got a case study of nypd hiring borderline retards.

They hire tards that can follow orders and don't ask questions.

and hate spooks


Not to split hairs, but he was a Jersey cop.

he sounds like such a dick

translation: "I GOT NOWHERE ELSE TA GO!!!!"

Kenny, once again, ruins fucking everything. Hate to say it, but Opie was handling it fine. Do your job which is getting shit for opie and the other idiots, and shut the fuck up.

I feel like I'm the only one but I love Kenny.

Go and marry him then.


Oooh, that's ice cold.

i know you are but what am i

You're not alone.

He always says that something is "a bit". You can't destroy someone's property without their knowledge beforehand and say "that's the bit". I can't go up to someone in Burger King, slap their A1 Halloween Whopper to the ground and say "that's the bit, you dope". The guy is socially retarded. I did find the cakestomp funny tho.

Opie is a bit theif. He saw Norton and friends fucking with each others' food etc and the reaction it got. He figured he would one-up them, because in his mind, Opie is the fucking best and most funny. Andrew was his chance to prove it to everybody. The Psycho does not differentiate between comedians and the mentally ill homeless. Isn't it brilliant?!

The truth is Opie is such a desperate try hard faggot that he lacks that human capacity for context, the very thing he hides behind in this clip. He is narcissistic to the point of fake autism while simultaneously devoid of merit for any degree of self-love.

in his mind, Opie is the fucking best and most funny

I always thought he was painfully aware of how much he can't keep up, and that's why he tries to be the mean one all the time. Like oh fuck, everyone's being funny and I got nothing again, better smash something.

I think both are true. He knows he is shit and has to do the crazy guy or ship steering thing to survive, but also thinks he is funnier or at least on their level. Otherwise he wouldn't be such a defensive interrupting whiner.

If he could just get the late night comedy gig he deserves, or better guests, or the hater agenda would go away, or management didn't hold him down, his genius would finally shine and nobody could argue he wasn't the best, most viral-video-having king of all tits.

It was funny in the "what the fuck did you just do" kind of way. Which requires no talent on Opies part.

He was doing "It's a prank, bro!" before YouTube pranksters.

He's a visionary.

That's the distinction between O, A & J. The other two can say really heinous shit but still be likeable and leave you impressed at their wit. Idiot on the other hand, while able to make you laugh at his actions never has you proud or impressed. We laugh at the bit but we don't come away thinking " wow that Opie sure is talented ".

Fuck him for being successful doing what so many others could do just as well for far less cash.

Lost it at "A1 Halloween Whopper"..Do they fucking really call it that?

I dont like this food

Kenny is a big dumb cunt.

I love that the caller was disgusted by Titty Boy's use of the word haters.

Id love a show that was just Kenny yelling at callers. He's too much of a pussy and couldn't take it. His alleged intimidation comes off as goofball over the radio.

On the radio you're only as big as your voice and your intellect. Kenny has the voice and intellect of Baby Huey.

And the physique of Foghorn Leghorn.

He scares lil ol me but then what do I know.


I'm having trouble remembering why I was ever a fan of Jimmy. What a little worm desperate to keep tits happy.

Starting to feel the same. It's like an episode of BBT, unfunny one liners with a Stangel laugh track.

There is no one there to call out the bombs. They all get laughs. I'm sure he's there all cheeky thinking he's hitting home runs.

Even when you listen to nopie shows he still sounds like a serious douche.

I'm sure you go in guns blazing and insulting your boss at Burger King.

WOW....Kenny's belligerent reaction is quite telling. You know poor Kenny has to hear all about how pissed Greggshells is every morning on their ride in about what's going on. They are well aware of what's going on and not happy about it.

This guy was so tame and reasonable, and Opie got all butthurt lol.

Then Opie's bitch came to the rescue to defend his honor, fuckkkking yuck

Opie handled it fine. Kenny handled it fine. Jimmy was great. That caller was one of those passive aggressive babies you find reddit all the time. "Kenny you hurt my feeelings".

One of the few funny things from this clips was Kenny twice thinking he was serious when he said "Kenny you hurt my feelings". It didn't tip you off when he started using Opies woman-like deflection of calling him a hater?

They didn't handle it fine. Opie was stammering and immediately got overly defensive and pissy talking over him and Kenny was almost screaming for no reason.

One of the few funny things from this clips was Kenny twice thinking he was serious when he said "Kenny you hurt my feelings"

Um no, are you retarded? Of course Kenny didn't think he was serious. He knew it was a passive aggressive wisecrack and that's why he called him passive aggressive. There was no wit behind those comments. They were just snarky passive remarks, the kind of stuff Kenny has no time for.

Yeah! The retarded former cop who acts as a bodyguard and personal driver for two nobodies ain't got time for these shenanigans!

You're seriously as much of a dumb fuck as Kenny. The caller wasn't passive aggressive until Opie got overly defensive. Kenny didn't say he's passive aggressive for this specific statement, he called him that for his call. Kenny replied in all seriousness, twice.

How about the fact that a grown man like Opie needed his man servant to come in screaming, foaming at the mouth for him? "Doing fine" isn't stammering and calling someone a hater for legitimate comments as to why he didn't comment on harry the sucker or the cakestomp. Just stop, you're trying too hard.

Putting the fear into Kenny, keep it up fellas. He's legit afraid of losing that manservant job.

His meal ticket is being attacked. Kenny is a little bitch.

Opie is basically saying I cant be racist, I have black friends.

Yeah I don't really see why your having black friends negates ( ding ding ) the idea that you can't be racist at the same time. Although the fact that Opie took time to address your situation is kinda funny given what he's been going through today.

Opie was trying very hard to say that Andrew had partnered with him on that bit despite the admitted reality that he didn't. He implies it so hard. Opie feels bad about what he did and he just cant man up and say it.

You're an idiot.

That fuckin bitch hiding behind his "context" shield. The context was that the dude had a cake, was happy about it, OFFERED THEM SOME and finger-on-the-nose Pontificating Jimmy's big titted pimp jumped on it, guffawed and dropped wadded up money on him. Fuck your bits and your context, it's gonna be a long month assholes.

I don't care if the callers aren't up to the standards, having tits on the defensive & Kenny enraged was great.

Keep it up.

yes, the callers were somewhat weak, but the idiots being critical have to keep in mind that Opie isn't going to pick a strong caller to argue with, they are putting the dummies on the air

They also don't get paid to speak on the radio. Their retardation can be forgiven.

Pretty genius of the first caller to let Opie hang himself with his hypersensitivity.

Second caller is a fag.

If those are your representatives, your campaign is not going to go well.

The thing is, Opie could defend the cakestomp just fine if he stuck with the "he was our friend" angle (which he did for awhile during the call), but he keeps insisting on bringing up that they paid him, which immediately triggers the SJW "Classism!" gland.

Opie literally just finished saying that they paid him a lot of money, then the caller said that that really isn't a good defense, then Opie said that only "haters" would only focus on that aspect of his defense. Then stop fucking saying it!

I would say Opie is playing dumb, but I think he genuinely believes what he's saying.

He thinks everyone just doesn't get that he had talked to this homeless guy before and threw money at him after, so that makes everything ok!

Christ, he's playing it up like he had the fucking guy over for dinner. Every interaction before this one was probably him fucking around with the guy in the same vein as the cake stomp.

From all the interactions we've heard about Opie from ex-employees, etc he's a cheap fuck. Do you really think he was handing out cash to a multiple homeless people every day? C'mon

"Uncalled for and unnecessary" - This is the show that used to be O&A? Fuck off hypocrites.

Kenny's behavior was uncalled for

I thought the 2nd caller had some valid points

I'm just glad that he got Tits to talk so much about his hangers.

Hearing Opie say "Tits" made me laugh so damn hard.

As does Opie......,


This is great stuff. Jocktober is going to lead to a Bud Dwyer incident with opie

Opie kept harping on the fact that people are bringing up an eight year old incident just to get him in trouble. It's the same thing he did with the Jimmy Snuka incident. His hypocrisy is infuriating.

Stomping on a cake and murdering a lady is a tough comparison to make.

Oh I agree. I'm not comparing the acts. I'm comparing Opie's anger at others for bringing up old stuff when he did essentially the same thing.


Let's be real here. His fans(former fans) are fueling this 8 year incident to....I think....get him in trouble.

I'm no Opie supporter, and the show is an utter disgrace without Anthony, but he's not wrong in saying that.

Wow Kenny is a fucking loser.

"Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin' bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin' basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's just too many captains on this island. $10,000 for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing."

"I don't think that's funny at all, I'm sorry."


You can hear the fear in jimmys voice when the guy mentions opies tits....almost as if when the mics go off he can foresee the coming hissy fit

Good job by the caller calling him out on "haters"

There should be a screening process (from reddit) before you're allowed to call. Stop shivering you no talent, scaredy douches. You're making it worse.

Should have been better.

If this is what Jocktober has to offer. Opie already won.

I just think the fact that Opie has to spend time entertaining this nonsense is good enough. I don't care if the callers were shit. Tits has to keep proving himself over and over again and its funny as hell. They're fucking callers. They don't have to be good on the radio. He does. It's his job.

That's pretty lame.

I know. It's fucking terrible that the callers are on the same level of radio skill as Tittymeat.


To the retarded cunts who think Opie "won" this exchange: it was 3 against 1, with Kenny running full retarded cunt-interference.

The caller made great points without losing his cool. Opie came off like a desperate idiot. In a pathetic plea for sympathy, he resorted to bringing up the fact that he's received "death threats".

"haters": 1, Tits: zilch

One of the obese jews: Can't you just get a lawyer in????

Of course...

He's taking it so serious like Senator Opie or something. Just own it - his role on the show was always to pull the outrageous stunts to make up for the fact that he wasn't funny and didn't have the talent. But fans never listened for his douchey bullshit. Now he's not witty or clever enough to talk his way out of it. Period.

OMG You guys are so embarrassing. Its amazing how fucking horrible you all are on the phone.

Kenny is ALL IN

Opie and Kenny are very sensitive boys right now. I can understand Opie's irritability since he is curently being destroyed by his old fanbase.

But what does Kenny have a problem with? This guy has made good money guarding two guys who are in the least danger of ever being assassinated or even assaulted. He is an errand-boy that makes good money to do laundry. How much easier can life get?

I think we have to admit the opster got the best of the callers. We have to address it or else it gets worse. The callers have to get a lot better if we want to make a real impact.

You fags.

Shit on the callers all you want. At least they had the balls to actually get off the keyboard and call in. I doubt half the people shitting on them would call in.

Big nervous sniff at the end.Caller owned the cunt just by making him talk about cakestomp.....again.


These callers are shit. If you're gonna spend so much time on how untalented and unfunny is, and this utter dogshit is the best you can muster up, you might want to realize you need to find something else to be angry about.

Fuck that was cringe.

Of all the people that could have got through those two callers pretty much stunk. Opie handled himself just fine too. Kenny's intervention was completely inane and uncalled for. But Opie did ok...not great...but ok.


Those two morons could not have made Opie look better if they tried. This jocktober thing is off to a great start guys! Keep up the good work.

We need context people.


Kenny is the muscle. Tits brings him in when he needs to do damage control.

Kenny: Breakfast time.

Proceeds to spoon feed Greggory.

Oh David, you lost your balls and your brain at the end of your call. You went on too long and left it hanging, kinda like I'm doing right at this very moment.

" You'd all be dead now! "

Opie won this battle and is winning the war. Just admit it. We're posting about him whilst he is in a $7 million home. Downvote away.

It's infuriating, isn't it?

It just doesn't make sense how someone as unlikable and untalented as Opie has had such a massively charmed, easy life. It's like the gods are rewarding him for being a complete zilch.

Maybe in his next life he'll be a slug.

It makes sense. He found a funny guy and together they rode the shock jock train for 20 years until it ran out of gas and now they are both essentially retired, living off the residuals of having lucked out and piggybacking on the road that Howard Stern paved for them.

He has an easy life in terms of having lots of money and not having to worry about when his next meal is coming. Just look at those meaty breasts of his. But I can't imagine being such a filthy rich asshole for so little work and being so hung up on girly shit like Twitter and haters and viral videos, so much so that it is aging me in dog years. Money buys happiness, nigga!

And when he's in that lovely $7 million apartment, he's busy locked up in his bathroom making awful Youtube videos and taking photographs of his girl beer while his young trophy wife and kids fend for themselves.

I'd like to have his bank account, but not a single other aspect of his life.

Why dont you want a young trophy wife faggot? Oh, I answered my question.

I wouldn't want one who has a sex tape with Bam Margera.

I'll give you an upvote, because it was cute that you tried.

I'll give you a downvote because I suspect you're queer and I dislike those folk.

and I'll give YOU a downvote because you used the word "folk" as if you were Porky Pig

The war is in Opie's mind, my friend, and in there he can never win.


Jesus you stink.

Wow, as successful as your #StandWithAnt protest. That was so douche chill inducing listening to those two callers eat shit on air.

This caller wasn't even good, jesus christ. Everyone here goes on and on about how bad Opie is and then these people call in and they're awful. First guy needed to have more of a point, then Paul in LA was cringe worthy unfunny, jesus christ. That's embarrassing. "Jim, you're starting to sound like Opie" with a nervous laugh. Wow good fucking joke.

You are such a faggot. No one likes your idol, deal with it. Every post you whine like a little bitch trying to deflect on your precious show.

First of all, I don't like Opie, I never have. He's always been a distant 3rd to Ant and then Jimmy. However, I do still listen to the show and because of the hyperbole slung around here by people who don't even listen to it anymore, I find myself defending it to degrees. Opie still sucks, yes. However, Jimmy is funny still and when a good guest is in the show is sometimes enjoyable. Just because I'm not all in with shitting on everything all the time, doesn't mean Opie is my idol, jesus christ.

And this caller wasnt good, that's the point. If someone is going to call in and shit on Opie, it could absolutely be hilarious and point out the legitimate issues. This fucking guy sounded like a bitch and was giggling and making no point, allowing Opie to get the upper hand. Jesus christ, stop.

Opie owned the callers. Just admit it.

Why do redditor callers always sound like they've rehearsed their call in front of a mirror and are now rushing to get it all out. His fake moralizing is even more nauseating than his nasally voice. Do you any of you talk to real people?

"It's everywhere but you're not talking about it".

LOL, it was briefly frontpage on /r/videos. Apart from that I didn't see it anywhere. What a drama queen.

Faggots like this that act like they're some how above this board while participating LOL.

You're no better than anyone here because of half a dozen shitty callers in the past year, retard.

I was criticising the callers, not the board. You're like the caller, seeing things that aren't there.

Do you any of you talk to real people?

Yes because you had a direct line to the couple of callers and weren't asking that question to this board. Your reading comprehension of your own writing is bad. You're a retard.

It's called a rhetorical question you mongloid lol.

You're a generalizing simpleton. An autist if you will lol.

Cmon guys lets just all agree your both queer for using "lol" repeatedly

You hurt my feelings. Let's agree to disagree LOLOLOL

Oh you silly so and so

So autists are all generalizing simpletons. Is that what you're saying?

Actually, those are a few of their characteristics, yes. Go on.

Do you have a medical source for that?

Yes. Stop trying to deflect, autist.

I'm just going with the direction you took it in.


LOL, it was briefly frontpage on /r/videos. Apart from that I didn't see it anywhere. What a drama queen.

In case you haven't realized, that is the most attention their show has gotten since Ant's firing and probably the most it ever will get. Do you envision a day when O&J will be household names? They are not getting any younger or any more popular.

It's called a rhetorical question you mongloid lol.

Yes. Stop trying to deflect, autist.


And the physique of Foghorn Leghorn.