Someone make backups of the deformed man video, so tits cant take it down.

19  2015-09-30 by smokinswindler

Bombarding the days guests twitter with that video, along with other antics could help spread jocktober awareness to help the cause. Especially since alot of the new guests appeal to the new soccer mom audience, this vid might be a lil bit edgy.


You do it, you lazy jerk.

Im working from a cracked phone sir. You expect that an O and A fan who is this commited to a useless prank, has a life well put together enough to own a computer?

You have my utmost apology.

He took down all videos that could be used against him including the one of the man who claimed he was the worlds first rapper

I just downloaded a backup. If he takes it down i can reupload it to vimeo or something


Eww i don't want that freak on my youtubes

As I've mentioned many times before, I'm technologically retarded & I know most of you are the opposite of that. So I have a thought & you all can tell me if I'm right or wrong. Ok, peep this. The pumpkin latte dick video has been forwarded to everyone & we can't even guess how many times the cake stomp video has been shared over the years. I heard Opie keeps removing all those videos due to copyright infringement, but isn't there way more copies of those two videos than he could ever find & Remove? Thank You.


Im working from a cracked phone sir. You expect that an O and A fan who is this commited to a useless prank, has a life well put together enough to own a computer?