Why do you hate Opie? Ill start...

6  2015-09-30 by smokinswindler

He puts BBQ sauce on steak. He also threw trash at Dennis Falcone. How bout you folks?


He can't make a joke or take one.

Period. Sniff.

He's not very funny

His existence wastes Jimmy's talent that would have been faaaar better served with Anthony. I can't really blame Jimmy for taking the better job, so I blame Opie for being such a humor-repellant moron.


His wife fucks skaters with hep c from needle sharing.

I dislike Opie partly because of the over the top fake laugh he does all the time; that he always yells "hold on"; he's always talking about "the bit" and tearing down walls; and he's very rude to friends of the show like Lady Di and Bobo, while Anthony will at least joke around but still be nice to them, you know?

Update: And how could I forget? The absolute worst thing about Opie is that snake thing he doesssssss. Ugh.

He's a fraud. As he's said a million times "Opie" is a character. Guys that are good at this stuff are the same person when the mics/cameras are off. They aren't performing, they're being themselves.

And above all honest....BULLSHIT

I'm part of the hater agenda.

He's a big jerk who's stupid and his big ugly face is as dumb as a butt.

Opie is gay and faggot

he looks like a rapidly aging 90's kid

He named his child after a river


His slobbery way of talking. Swallow your spit a little you cunt

I think the biggest thing is his poor lying ability. Sure he can try to shove fake stories down the listeners throat and we all know he full of shit. He just plays it off as entertainment. It's the lying to his employees that we all can hear too. Trying to get them to play into the bullshit story. You can tell they don't any part of it and just let him run out of gas on the subject.

He marinates steak in bbq sauce.

I'm ok with throwing garbage at Falcone. He's a backup dj for a station thats 90% automated. He's entertaining, sure, but I can't pretend I give a shit.

...marinating steaks in bbq sauce on the other hand...

Lets go to the phones to one of the regulars of the show SNOOOOWAYYY

I hate that Opie gets so pissed at Lynsi & The Kids because this is their favorite cartoon. And while watching it, the kids yell DADDY!!



This question would literally take me over two hours to answer! And that's after I spent about 2-3 days doing research so I make sure I don't forget anything. But I'll give you a couple of the big ones. He literally thinks that he's on the same level of fame as Howard. He's so jealous of Howard that he can't even see it. He's blinded by jealousy which would be fine but we were the ones who had to hear it all the time. And another big one is how he can bash someone joking with them like guys do when they're hanging out but if you say something back, Fun time over! He gets all sensitive & emotional & turns into the whiny bitch he's always been. But like with everything else, he won't acknowledge that either.

I hate that he wasn't proud of his son when he landed his first Kick Flip at 14 months old, & he also gets pissed at Lynsi because this is her favorite song and she sings it all day!



The way he goes "YAAAYYEEEEEEEEE" in that high pitched childish but raspy voice. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

He drinks grapefruit beer and loves U2.

Fuck your corny little movement, Denny deserves to have bbq sauced garbage thrown at him constantly all day.

I don't, but I guess that comes from not being a bitter fagget.

Or a lack of perceptive skills.

Just a fagget.

Just a fagget.

Or a lack of perceptive skills.