So it's Opie gonna go after TACS to pull the Harry Hater clip?

1  2015-09-29 by ChrisCapezza

Since he's obviously trying to erase any mention of the video, Anthony had that wonderful reaction video where he told Greggshells to own it. Wonder if he'll send the lawyers after Anthony. If it happens, I think Anthony goes off the deep end and definitely Jocktobers tits and the worm


Do we have any proof that Opie is the one removing these videos? "I want to see the documents!" It's hard to believe that Opie is such an insufferable pussy that he would have these removed. Well, on second thought, it's not that much of a leap for him to be so deeply hypocritical.

"Ant & Jim Watch Harry Cocks..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by opieradio.

I am ashamed of all of the years that I tolerated him.

.... or maybe you can't have black dicks waving around on YouTube. BBC is frowned upon.

It says in the frame that it was due to a copyright claim by OpieRadio

Opie wants all the Lamar peckkahs to himself.

