Looks like Opie has owned you all yet again

0  2015-09-29 by AlimonyKills

Heh, looks like Opie has some pull round here huh? He's getting shit pulled down before you even get a chance to post it .. even /r/cringe is cockblocking you.

Looks like Jocktober has been cancelled ..

How does it feel to get cucked by the Opester? :)


What do you do for a living, character?

What account number is this? Like 13?


What do you do for a living, character?

redditor: 4 days.

aka benjamin72

Whats your guys favorite soda?


No, I'm not trolling, and I'm not doing some weird reverse psychology shit. I have been studying Gregg 'Opie' Hughes on a semi-regular basis ever since Ant's firing. At first I was annoyed with Opie because I felt he was treating Ant with unwarranted disrespect when it came to the whole matter. However, I have since come to realise the sad truth behind this whole situation. Guys, Opie is mentally ill. This is obvious. I have a cousin who behaves like this too .. it's this weird childlike, almost inhuman way of living in the world. You could say it's autism but .. they can still function, get laid etc .. but they just seem abit .. "off". Opie has had mother issues and claims he suffers from OCD on top of this. Mother issues can have severe effects on the mental wellbeing of an individual. Opie has stated that his mother issues were serious ones, and he has not made any public statement that he is over them. Opie has aged terribly in the previous 2 or so months. It's dramatic. And I know it's the stress that you guys are shovelling onto an already mentally fragile mind. Listen: I'm being serious: Please tone down the relentless Opie hate. Including this "Bald Opie" business. You have no idea what you guys find as being just casual, passing fun is doing to this man. Yes, he sucks, but he doesn't deserve this. I've been thinking about this alot lately. It troubles me. I don't like where this is heading -AlimonyKills

It's not mental illness as much as it's a character flaw.

Good work sir.

Benjamin72, is that you?


we are downed but not out
