Remember when Tits announced that him and Jimmy resigned around the time their contract was up

8  2015-09-29 by unclepaul84

But meant to say re-signed. Fucking autistic retard.


I remember when he tweeted that he was writing his resignation letter.

but then he got a golf cart to ride around the hallways, and everything was okay.


hey now!

Got a link to this? I've still never seen it.

Oh yuck! This is some Nagle-type vagueness. He really thinks he's pulling one over on us all, too.

lmao what was the context? Was he serious about this?

During contract negotiations after Ant's dismissal. He tweeted that pretending it was a mistaken DM to show the bosses he's SERIOUS.

Remember Greggshells. This was always his bargaining strategy. Threaten to leave and sign last minute which they did on 10/2. Opie just probably wanted bigger money since Ant was gone and 3 mil was left on the table. Greedy fuck.

hey now!