Everyone who sees this, start googling "opie cakestomp" so its the first thing associated with tits if more news articles surface.

66  2015-09-29 by smokinswindler



I totally forgot about 'google bombing'. Thanks for the reminder, OP! You're one of the good ones.


Why do you guys hate Opie, he's NOT that bad

Sorry I hate his guts I just figured this was the quickest way to find out if I was shadowbanned


If this is how Google and seo worked, everyday the top story in the news would be porn.

You're an idiot. That's not how google works.

Lol at your downvotes. Any retards who think this is how Google bombing works, see my reply to booderdooders below.

Thats exactly how google works, couple years ago jim jefferies told his fans to google eddie ifft has aids so it would show up whenever someone googled eddie ifft, had it working within a month

Oh I forgot about Jim Jeffries and his computer engineering degree. Do you know that if that was possible all companies would need to do to game Google would be to simply run scripts over and over that would auto google their site name and related keywords? You dumbass!

Googling the same shit over and over will only change it for you, because google delivers personal results based on your search history. It won't change it for everybody else.

It ranks sites based on backlinks from popular sites, including other factors that remain industry secrets so that it's difficult to game. Literally everybody but retards already knew this.


It would work, actually. See Google Bombing. A large amount of searches for "opie cakestomp" would cause a search for "opie" to display results that would show up if you googled "cakestomp", namely youtube videos of the the cake stomp or threads and articles about it. And this would happen for all users of the search engine, not just you. You're thinking of auto-complete or targeted advertising or something.

And it's been done before, and it worked, and is continuing to be done and is still working.

You should read the article you linked because this is absolutely not how Google bombing works. Google bombing (which I believe has been antiquated as Google has continously evolved their algorithm) requires webmasters to link to content using the same search terms.

So if tons of websites linked to your post with the text 'booderdooders doesn't understand what Google bombing is,' searches for that term would bring up your post first.

Nah it works

Google fixed the impact of Google bombing EIGHT YEARS AGO. You are a dumbass. The wikipedia article even explains that for you but you are too stupid to understand it.

You're very angry all the time.

I feel sorry for your mother.

Doesn't say that. You're wrong.

I like you as a user, so I implore you: Stop embarrassing yourself. :(

Wait, you're whole argumen is that you can't game the system because it does X and Y.... then you state that X and Y are actually industry secrets and you don't know exactly how it delivers pre programmed searches....... So which is it? Does it definitely not work that way? Or are you not sure if it works that way or not?

No, there are dozens if not hundreds of factors that google probably considers when ranking a site. They are trade secrets. Forget about those. They're confusing you.

The ones we're talking about are ones they've already made public statements on namely banklinking which they do use to this day and google bombing which they fixed 8 years ago.

Sorry I hate his guts I just figured this was the quickest way to find out if I was shadowbanned