How boring must Anthony be if even with his own show and full creative control he's not getting a fraction of the attention Opie is getting at his worst?

0  2015-09-28 by Ant_Sucks

I don't know. I unsubscribed. I imagine his show has gone down the toilet.


If you leave this subreddit, you'll quickly realize they're equally irrelevant.

The independent show created in a man's basement isn't getting the attention that the show with the backing of a multi billion dollar company is getting and this is surprising to you?

Oh this is the new excuse now that he has the new studio and the show still sucks.

No, I made no excuse for him. I'm just saying 1) him being boring has no bearing on the amount of exposure and 2) his show could be funnier than the top ten funniest O&A shows put together, every day, and still not have the exposure that an XM show gets. That's just common sense.

It's already hard enough to think you're being objective with a name like Ant-Sucks, but then you ask an easy question about how can Ant be so boring that he's not getting the attention that Opie is, even though a 5 year old would be smart enough to answer that. Then Opprobriousness answers your question with intelligence & you got snappy because the only answer you want to hear is "You are right, Ant-Sucks. Ant really does suck. You have made me see the light & for now on I will hate Ant obsessively!"

It's not that I'm trying to convince anyone that Ant sucks. No sir.

It's that they already KNOW he sucks and I am just here to remind people of that, in case they hear a new excuse and get their hopes up.

I never get fired up over who likes who. Some people lose their shit & will down vote you to hell if you don't like a comic they like. I just so happen to like Ant. Maybe that's because I was away from Reddit for about 3 months and I missed a lot. Imagine my surprise to return and find out Ant is hated about as much as Opie! But I still don't care that everyone else hates him.

[removed] seems to be blocked. What's some of them other sites we got?


Anthony's less boring than Opie in a conventional sense. It's Opie's autism that makes people obsess over him.

yeah i think you're onto something there, opie has so many hateable facets whereas anthonys racist shit gets old fast and i just lose interest. opie is sort of the human/social equivalent of a car crash.