With all of the race stuff, Black Lives Matter etc. blowing up in the U.S.... we need Patrice

0  2015-09-28 by [deleted]



He passed away a number of years ago.

ya kiddin!

Are you not satisfied with sherrod?

He's black, you know.

Yes. That is why he is so informed on the topic.

I don't really listen anymore. I've been catching up the past few weeks though maybe I'll check him out

You should. He is really the only reason to listen to the show these days.

Put a microphone in his coffin so we can hear what the worms eating his sugar rich diabetic corpse think. Or ask von, she probably saw weekend at bernies and smacked herself in the forehead for not thinking of that.

Well, he's dead, so...

I know

Ok, just making sure, it was big news a few years ago...

The cartels took him out. He was the chosen one who would defeat evil as was prophesied a thousand millennia ago.