Big Jays Lucky Loser episode 2 ( fingers crossed that this is better than the first episode)

6  2015-09-28 by GRIZx


whoever pitched this show idea to jay is a fucking prick. He deserves better.

Won't watch due to how bad the first one was; will let it play muted in a background tab to help out Jay a little bit.

yeah, may as well do the same

I didn't watch to the end, but I assume it finishes with her being sexually assaulted by the negro

Is it really called Lucky Loser? Is it a Lucky Louie spin off?

It's the story of his retarded daughter as she tries to come to grips with having an 85 pound mouthy whore and a red-headed Mexican jazz enthusiast making $10 an hour for parents.


YUCK! The second epsiode in a row they promote interracial relationships. I wish Hitler would come back.

It's ok if the guy is white.

Dipalo, I didn't know you browsed reddit.

action burgers right by my place, that place is badass