Opie's Life

10  2015-09-28 by awfulradio

Sorry I know this is long. First, I think we should jocktober Opie and the Stangels for our amusement, but they will be exactly like Terry Clifford, just monitor or shut down social media for a while and hide. Think focus needs to be their personal sites and sxm to make them negatively notice Opie.

Looking at Opie's life and this is what I see: -He stopped caring and got lazy. He didn't steer (he cant do freeform radio only structured DJ crap), most times it was callers/feedback/paltalk that told them when bit was over and where he stole his lines.

-He did allow Anthony to be fired, but once he realized he had only SXM he started sucking up to management. He's not talented enough to do a podcast on his own nor are there any formats in NYC for his type of show, replacing Todd was more BS.

-SXM is shortsighted and do not have a plan once Stern leaves and they are holding onto anyone at this point and throw money around which is why Opie is playing management goodboy

-Opie has been a talent parasite so long that he lost whatever talent he might have had. He's an old out of touch narcissist that is not self aware and genuinely enjoys bullying and hurting others.

-He got married in 2008, after 10 years and children any prenup is pretty much void so I think past 2018 you will find Opie divorced with significantly less money, dumped by SXM once they restructure after Stern and finally promote original talents instead of buying names. He will fade away desperate for attention on social media and selling O&A memorabilia to suckers.

Okay bash away


I will not take pleasure in it because he is a bad person. I will take pleasure in it because he is an untalented bad person. Not a single redeemable quality. Not one friend. Check out the empty man.

Check out the empty man.

Not on here enough to know if this is a thing or not, but it's absolutely brilliant

Play on one of his terrible t-shirts

I'm aware of what it hopes from, it's a great play on that. Scathing. Check out the empty man.

We get it.

CHEeeehhhCKK ouTT thE AHMp-tiESS MAaaaAAAAAhhhn. ..

Opie is going to go back to spinning classic rock records, Ant is going to die in alcoholic poverty, and Jim is going to be alone, forever.

Everything falls back into place

Is there a prenup? I didn't know if that was public knowledge but I've always wondered if he had one because I always found it funny that everytime Jimmy Bobby & Patrice would tell the story of how great Brazil was & all the hookers they banged, Opie would get really serious and he actually said that he would Not wa t some hot chick to be all over him & pretend to want to have sex with him and act like she wants him so bad, "Just because she wants his money!" Then he said he wants a woman to want him for him, not because he has money.

He would never want a hot girl to be all over him & act like she wants him just because he has money...So does that mean he thinks a super hot blonde in her 20's married a fat bloated toothie grumpy guy because it was love at first sight and she fell in love with his soul? We Know she Couldn't have fell in love with his sense of humor!

My point is if he's stupid enough to believe that he's in a fairy tale romance and Lynsi wouldn't love him any less if they were poor and lived in the ghetto, then he just might be stupid enough to decide against the prenup.

True, he'd be dumb not to have one. But basically if there is one its easily challenged after time and children since it is altering original marriage contract or prenup. Basically he's an ass and no way it will last with his bullshit. Look for divorced Lyndsi on Housewives of NY in 2020

God I would love if they got a divorce and starting doing porn. Calling the show and playing the audio of her getting railed by a fucking team of long donged pakis would be amazing. Shit, I bet as soon as they split she'd head over to the compound and try to make Ant her new sugar daddy.

He won't let himself fade away because he is the only person in his life that is the same age. This shithead waited to have kids until he was nearly 50. He is surrounded by adults 20 years younger than him and his social awareness is not even close to the level of being able to smoothly bridge that gap. He is always going to be the old guy that doesn't know he is supposed to be leading those interactions.

At some point, he will naturally fade into obscurity and there won't be anything that he can do to stop it.

To us he already has. But he won't let himself believe it.

I mean, haven't you all been jocktobering Opie since the divorce last year?

You need to move on already

Sorry Im not a delusional fanboy. If you don't like my comments fine but don't bother defending that garbage

Fuuuuuuuuck you sir