As the eve of Jocktober approaches, never forget that Justin & Gregg threw trash at Dennis Falcone.

67  2015-09-28 by smokinswindler

You dont throw trash at Denny. Period.


What were they throwin eachother or sumthin?

fawk yea

Jus riffin!

That incident was rock bottom

tsss why not people's elbow?

fawkin home run strudel sucka

Tss wait wait...I got one....aww fawk!


Our Piss God will rise again

yall bitches messiah pete was involved

they throw their trash all over the place. ever been to the projects?

fuck outta here bitch. where you from?

from funnyville, where jokes don't bother any faggots


Please, let's make use of proper English gentlemen.

hahaahah the 815


come to the 69 and we'll snowball each other's cum.


Oh god I hope you get into a struggle with a cop over a gun.

Die of aids during a struggle with a cop plz. And if you learn to write and speak proper english somebody might employ you.

One of the stangles threw stuff at Denny? When?

report to HR

here. Yes others were involved, but they are not the targets of jocktober.

Who the F does Justin Stangel think he is?

I mean Denny was our fuhrer of jocktober, we can't take this sitting down.

You do not throw trash at the Piss Lord. Period.

I have an idea! Let's throw trash at Denny while he tries to hit a ramp.

"Long time head writers on Letterman"...

from funnyville, where jokes don't bother any faggots


report to HR

here. Yes others were involved, but they are not the targets of jocktober.