39  2015-09-26 by BigGreenYamo

As suggested by /u/eskimoescrow

Post all the Jocktober info here, to keep it consolidated.

  • Don't be dicks.
  • Posting personal information will resulting in instant and permanent banning
  • Stop with the infighting. Fucking jerkoffs

If the organisational skills behind the Stand With Ant protests are anything to go by, this will be nothing short of a roaring success.

That was so funny I exhaled middlingly from my nose.

The new lol


Yeah but we have a year and a half of HATING Opie, plus years prior to that behind this. Add that to the fact that he's been in complete defensive denial/lying/fucking with us since the end of Opie and Anthony, and how he was trying to abscond himself from any responsibility from its downfall; when he was inadvertently trying to sabotage the show by WALKING from it IN THE EARLY 2000's? And he claimed to hate management, when in actuality he was on GOOD TERMS with them? Even so far as having lunch meetings with them AFTER the live broadcast, when he gave the image that he was genuinely shitting on them out of honest frustration? Fuck him, he deserves this.

People are more inclined to boo you then defend you, but at least here we have a reason.

remember when Bobo and 2 fat guys in LFTC swastika shirts came to Sirius xm to stage a protest? lol

I suggested the other week that the crown jewel of this jocktober could be a seperate sticky off only "opie being bad at radio" clips. clips of him bombing, killing the flow, being defensive and the room stepping on Greggshells. If we collect enough clips over the next few weeks one of the lovely video making folks could put together a giant super cut of Gregg being bad at his career.

Edit: it has also been suggested that if someone does make the video, we send it to a show that has been jocktobered and would like to return to favor to Gregg

As far as Opie Bombs, there's so many you can find by just searching posts from this subreddit. Did a quick and dirty job of it. Some of these might be dupes, I don't care enough to double check it. I just searched google with " opie+bomb". Most of them are youtube videos of THE PSYCHO bombing or bringing things to a screeching halt. There were 3,610 results with that google search. This post could probably be 20x longer than what it is if I weren't so lazy.

Searching " youtube+greggshells" brings up 3,630 results. I'm not going to waste my time going through that shit though. The titles for all of these links are taken from what was submitted here.


I went thru some past posts on this sub. The clip of Tits' underwater scuba fight has disappeared. That was one of my all-time favorite lies.

It's still on youtube. I've heard it before but I don't think I can even bring myself to listen to it again. I don't know what the term for embarrassment by proxy is, but this does it for me.

Germans have a word for it: fremdschämen.

Thank you for linking this. The one that was linked on this sub before has gone private.

Holy shit.

I'm personally offended that you felt the need to tell us not to be dicks.

Have you looked around this sub lately? Apparently, it needs to be said a lot more.

Are you saying this because you were finally contacted by Justin's lawyers?



What a cruel little mean little laugh.


This video needs to be revisited. High Pitch Tits caught in his own lies.

I love this place so much

is their a recording that isn't distorted to shit

Lets not forget that Ant is an ass and so is Jimmy. Jimmy has let me down the most, he truly is a phony now (but may or may not realize it). Im looking forward to getting Jimmy

At least opie ain't selling out and still put on the rebel act, he's all in with the sellout, Jimmy is still playing the brutally honest guy

He's trying to clean up, sell out, and become mainstream.

Jimmy isn't an ass. Not anymore than he was before at least. Paycheck is a paycheck, and I know all you fuckers would do the same thing he did.

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I am pissed about the no infighting rule.

That is what makes this place fun.

Oh, have at it. Just not in this thread.

I don't get what constitutes "personal information". I posted the e-mail address from the Stangel bros website and it was deleted because the mod said it was personal information. Someone else posted the work e-mails for a bunch of Sirius/XM staff and it's been up now 11 hrs.

My guess is someone was afraid of fatboy and his team of lawyers.

I would have let it slide.

At least you're honest. Same someone was sucking Fat Stangel cock on twitter too, so makes sense. Shouldn't have acknowledged it one threatened Fat Stangel's waterbuffaler wife or whatever cloven hoofed offspring they managed to create.

Shouldn't have acknowledged it one threatened Fat Stangel's waterbuffaler wife or whatever cloven hoofed offspring they managed to create.

I agree, but I can only speak for myself.

At least you're honest.

I have never had a reason to lie to anyone on the internet.

Do you like fish dick

I just hope we don't forget Todd in the midst of all this Opie Jocktobering.

I suggest some of you less social faggots make the sacrifice of listening to past shows on YouTube and put the link, time and a description of every awkward bomb, douche chill enducing and Greggshells moment they can find on a Google docs spreadsheet. In fact this is something that should have been started months ago so we would have a solid 24+ hours worth of material to bombard Opie and Jim with. It would seriously he a herculean effort. Not finding all of it and making the spreadsheet, but actually listening to the show.

Personal Facebook pages considered a violation of the rules?

Personal? yes. Certain exceptions can be made, depending on the context.

When in doubt, ask first

I've found Lynsi, Gregg and half their families..


PM me immediately

That's our gay nigger!


Of fucking course.

Holy shit this is going to end badly.

opie screaming hold on, halts patrice, ant, and jim riff

I mean, Opie is really screaming. Loudly.




2015-09-26 22:58 UTC

Lemme tell ya somethin about @Sherrod_Small

@OpieRadio @JimNorton @AnthonyCumia @petedavidson


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2015-09-26 22:58 UTC

Lemme tell ya somethin about @Sherrod_Small

@OpieRadio @JimNorton @AnthonyCumia @petedavidson


[Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]

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So when do we start? October 1st or the first Monday of October?

October 1st.

Shit, next you'll be asking for Fridays off.

This is getting sad.


I think we should use Jocktober as an opportunity to stir the shit a bit. The video of Opie smashing the homeless guy's cake made the front page again. Can we dig up more outrageous bits from the show and post them or is that against the rules?

What the fuck? I didn't knot october started in September. Alright.

I see post like "Lets get opie fired" which kinda bugs me. I don't like the guy either, but phonies drumming up outrage is what got us in this mess. Seems kinda hypocritical to do the same when none of us give a shit about the cakestomp guy or whoever it'd be.

By all means bash and expose the hack though.

Opie will see this and start preparing a defense operation. Just sayin.

Don't be dicks.
Posting personal information will resulting in instant and permanent banning
Stop with the infighting. Fucking jerkoffs

Well shit. It looks like despite the personal negative reaction to the gruntwork that goes into jocktober I've always had, it might actually result in some kind of benefit, or immunity.

That said, please to all who have the balls I lack: produce the entertainment I always get out of it. I doubt you'll make the titster cry or stop (ie the most noble of results), but maybe, just maybe, it'll be worthwhile.

edit: this still sounds like a miserable failure waiting to happen. But you never know. Longterm effects...we'll see.


Think we can get him trending like we did with #cakehorn



I would love to bring attention to this campaign and sub by creating an AMA as a member of the most toxic sub on Reddit.

We can then brace for impact when either reddit and/or the fat Jew gets rid of this place.

A blaze of glory.

Why not jocktober the Tacs program too? Go after it in the same way that RoganWatch YouTube channel does, only making fun of how Ants horribly disfigured/scarred face looks? Who's with me?!?


Stop with the infighting. Fucking jerkoffs


I agree, I simply made a suggestion and was attacked for trying to contribute to this fine project.

Quiet, you.


Take it elsewhere. This is a place of joy.

For everyone but Opie


I've never white knighted Opie, I simply attack Ant for having a hideously disfigured burn victim face, which startles small children.


Lol@ how excited op is to fail

I've found Lynsi, Gregg and half their families..

At least you're honest. Same someone was sucking Fat Stangel cock on twitter too, so makes sense. Shouldn't have acknowledged it one threatened Fat Stangel's waterbuffaler wife or whatever cloven hoofed offspring they managed to create.