Sick of all the fake people here saying they don't listen, and its beneath them.

0  2015-09-26 by patricevsgallagher

Truth is, the shows have been amazing TACS and O&J for completely different reasons. For all the people with the fake "I'm above the O&J show". Cut the shit, the whole "what happened on the show" and "who was on the show" is embarrassing. We all get why you have to keep this persona up, but truth is listening to Opie make an ass of himself daily is really one of the greatest gifts we are all given. Let's appreciate what we have and keep the I'm too good for this shit to ourselves.


Opie stinks

I second this

I third this

"I'm too good for this shit persona"? What the fuck autistic conspiracy retardation is this? The show is mediocre and annoying and we don't listen, and we genuinely don't know what the fuck is going on unless we check the threads here every day.


I wanna see da boat movie!


I literally have not listened to a show since about a week before the Stangles came on, except for the Metzger Nopie show.

I quit listening about a month after Anthony left, maybe less and I haven't heard any TACS. I come here for the laughs and to get my morning and evening doses of hate in case it's lacking at work.

I don't listen to the show. I'm not looyying

I haven't listened in five months, I'll just take everyone's word for it. Hearing about the show I don't listen to anymore is a better use of time than actually listening to the show.
