any plans for the weekend

0  2015-09-26 by DianaKurlan7

If you don't have a funny answer don't bother answering, faggots.


Smoke weed and get drunk.

Preparing my defense argument for this pesky Stangel lawsuit

I'll be playing Super Mario Maker and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Probably going to spend some time watching Youtube videos.

tss YA im gonna get all zooted and climb fukkin mount Everlast cocksucka

Ffffaaaawwwwkkk ya Chip you're fucken crazy.

tss tss you tell em chip!! luv from kenny

Crackin' open a Lopeweiser.

I'm writing a novel about a message board filled with faggots whose sole ambition in life is to harass a middle-aged radio hack. I know it sounds out there but stranger things have happened in real life.

hey thats us

This one gets it

wank it.

Crank it.

nope. another lonely weekend without a girlfriend

Ha ha ha. Loser.

Me too.


Just smoked weed in a handicapped parking space now waiting for a dude to come fuck me


Cheatin bitch

Climbing mt. Everest.

Listening to the Bonfire and thinking about how great they are

I like them, but they really personify the "dudebro" bullshit.


I like the show too, but they definitely act like that with each other.

hope my gay roommate goes out of town so i can fuck a half black submissive girl in the ass all day every day.

and writing.

Why does he have to go out of town for that? Tell that faggot to take a hike.

they share a room :/

I guess when he said "roommate" he meant literally.


Buncha faggits

courtesy, really.



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Jerking off to tittyfucking greggory hughes

Trying (again) to get Lady Di to fuck me!

im gona eat a bunch of oxycoDins, play destiny and listen bangton

Fucking your father, of course.

I'm gonna drop a shitload of amyl nitrate then run backward naked through a cornfield. After that, the new neighbors just moved in, so I have to buy some wood, nails, and kerosene then pick up something from the dry-cleaners. And I have a condom left over, so I may drive around looking for some roadkill or a frail hitchhiker.

Or just binge Futurama on Netflix, gonna depend on my mood.

tss YA im gonna get all zooted and climb fukkin mount Everlast cocksucka



gonna be participating in my city's 50th annual gay bashing this year. ever tried to make 50 molotov cocktails in a few hours? it's not easy. but volunteer work is its own reward i suppose.

College football and eating klonopin