Deconstructing flappothegrate

11  2015-09-25 by [deleted]



Posts like this remind me, on balance, I don't spend that much time on the internet talking about the O&A universe.

It reminds me of when Ron and Fez would spend hours talking about message board drama between nobodies like Death Metal Moe and Franklin. I listened to R&F for the laughs, and I come here for the Opie and Stangle hate, not some faggoty board gossip.

Jesus dude, who gives a shit.

I actually do, this guy is always making a fool of himself on here, happy to know a backround story i didn't know before

7 comments in 15, minutes, seems like quite a few peeps.
You might give a shit when he starts stalking you, which will only happen sooner or later.

So, this person is you?

He's been following me around for a few days now and some one linked me here. Explains a lot so I kinda care. Thought he was taking the piss but now I just feel bad for him

He started following me about after I said I supported gay partners adopting kids.

Define following

Commenting on my posts or pm'ings me every time I post.

I don't care it actually made me laugh a lot. Guy won't accept my coffe

sorry - come again?, what do you mean?

Jesus fucking Christ.

This sub already has a benjamin. Flappo needs to go away, he's not shocking anyone here with his mental illness.

flappo IS benjamin actually. He migrated over here months ago.


Flappo is a Rogan board legend.

I guess what I'm most confused about is, why isn't he playing next generation consoles?

Anyone got TL; DR? Holy shit.

Flappo is a fag.

This guy is amazing to go back and forth with. Truly one of the most delusional and sad human being I've ever encountered online.

Exactly and if it goes your way he then uses your own insults against you and if its anywhere on the jr2 forum he gets anon to ban you. Hilarious.

Hopefully he comes back soon it's been a few days since he's popped in to let us know what losers we are

you're wrong haha, he posted a few seconds ago, he has so many alias's he is pretty much always here.


So is he also anon, then? I don't understand how he's not banned from jr2, or anything for that matter. On a side note, I just realized that for the past few weeks I was reading his name as "fappo"... I wonder what could have possibly triggered that mistake.

No. Anon is from Melbourne Australia. Flappo is from Birmingham England. They go way back though, they have shared an obsession/love for Joe Rogan since approx 2003. As stated Anon is the guy in the picture (a well known photo) and not Flappo.


he's not banned because him and anon go way back. if flappo can't deal with someone on that sub he gets anon to ban them.
tiz pathetic because the sub has some really cool points but a lot of people are put off/ regular contribs leave after a while because of the flappo/anon/rogan love triangle

you know fuck all about me , peabrain

but we all know ALL about the dumb fuck guy you worship

the closet case rejected by his dad looking for a new father figure ,

now he's got aubrey , eddie and all those hunky young men to surround him , it's like his very own new family !!


you = utter fucking moron

gullible too

perfect for rogan

I think you'll find --DC-- flappo is the only one trying to "fight" around here.
I couldn't care less about those gents flappo, check out one of my earlier posts.
I do care about users who stalk other users across subs, send them private messages and interminably post insults. You don't have to view or look in this thread, just like i don't have to view your posts. I just thought i'd update the guys on the situation here, because some of them are getting sucked into your psychosis.

grate job looking out for anonymous redditors well being .

and you're calling me pathetic ?

lol pot meet kettle

I'm sorry the truth upsets you.

Interesting, but needs more Opie hate.

This explains soooo much about my Reddit experience the past few days aha.

Guess he will never come for my coffee

Well Flappo gets his friend anon to ban any posts like this on the JoeRogan2 sub, i see that he likes to give users a lot of shit here, so i thought for those confused by the anon/riddler/flappo/asprey debacle i would clear up a few things.

Is he the guy who does all the gay rogan shops? I always appreciated those.

haha, yes has his own sub flaps warhol gear or something like that. Its funny, until you see he has made thousands.

what is this about?? enlighten me

just a troll called flappo. i see him giving you guys a load of shit on this sub from time to time.
he normally just shouts cunt in the comments section at people, then eggs them on to get into a flame war, so i thought i'd let you guys know whats truly up with him.
he's probably enjoying it tbh so after today i'll let it die down.

The fuck is this fucking bullshit?

Fascinating, but my main takeaway is that I now believe Ari Shaffir's real name is B. Ari Shaffir, and the B stands for Bolivar but he's hiding his Argentinian heritage because who wouldn't?

I was with you until you criticized him for rightfully acknowledging jewish societal subversion.

Your entitled to your ideas/views, however i doubt you came to your conclusions because Ari Shaffir shagged a lady you liked.

Yeah someone started commenting and messaging me endlessly with no responses too. I just blocked them.

That dude is a twisted, deranged,loser and that is all I will say about that. He needs to be ignored, that's the only way to treat a grown man that acts the way he does online

The mods deleted this;
I know flappothegrate, also known as FlappoOwnsRogan and Mrs_Rogan. He most likely has another 30 alternative accounts on reddit.

He was known on the Rogan board as Flappospammo and on several other boards (rotharmy, etc), since year approximately 2003. A quick google search of Flappospammo, reveals he has an account on most internet forums the majority of which he has over 8,000 posts on each. He loves his Xbox and PS3 too.

In short Flappo had few messages exchanged with Joe Rogan and Redban on forums and expected to brought like anon to USA. He was never offered and the only assistance Flappo provided to Rogan and his friends was that, A. Mark Hayden shagged his sister and B. Ari Shaffir shagged the lady Flappo was interested in, but was scared of talking too. There is also a rumor that Flappo couldn't handle his weed and got upset in a comedy club, this may have been before or after he tried his comedy debut and it went horribly wrong.

Another mistake is that Flappo is approximately 35 years of age and lives at home with his parents, this is incorrect and most likely been confused with Anon from Australia. Flappo was born in 1965 and is actually the ripe old age of 50! and is from Birmingham England not Australia or the USA. He knows no lows and has at times resorted to posting private photos of Joe Rogans family (specifically children on reddit).

Now to be sympathetic to Flappothegrate he has pretty much been rejected from every single community he has tried to join, at one point or another. Nobody wants him, so have some sympathy. I would post links to the Rogan board to give you a sample of his postings, but its him and Hayden posting pictures of deformed dicks backwards and forwards for 10+ years followed by text along the lines of "this your dick?". He often talks to himself through his own accounts on reddit and if you go back and forward with him over at JoeRogan2 he gets Anon to ban you :(

He gets very very sad and angry if you mention how Ari Shaffir banged the women he had the hots for and which has since lead him to believe and follow a lot of anti-jewish and zionist theories.

EDIT: Flappos making threats now



You watch Mr. Robot, don't you? If you don't, you should.

Your saying Flappo is a USA produced television show? If you did watch the show, you'd notice some similarities between how you brilliantly deconstructed this flappo and how the hacker in Mr. Robot deconstructs his victims, which is virtually everyone around him. I just thought what you did there took some investment...some next-level shit. Hope you're around for Jocktober.

A lot of this is common knowledge on the JRE sub. Anon and Flappo used to post there regularly, flappo much less since this all came out. I saw he was bothering a lot of people on this sub, so i thought i would share the info.

do they produce it? or is it a British production that's on Usa? characters welcome

flappo is a bot dude.

As in a botfly larva?, thief?, or has the psychological personality of a robot?

not too bright is he ?

Fucking Christ. I can't believe I have anything in common with you psychos.


Cool story, bro.

Who cares?

If you don't care about this post, or wonder why others do, then don't post here?, its that simple. I've stated why we/i/some of us care.

there are at least 24 other links to click on in the sub.

There's nothing funnier than watching one person clearly on the spectrum go nuts about someone else that is also clearly on it too. Stop fighting it, go suck flappo off and take your bullshit magic bullet shit back to /r/conspiracy.

Nothing funnier then someone who posts "who cares?", clearly care enough to comment twice and have an opinion on the subject.
And what are you talking about r/ conspiracy for and what the fuck has magic bullet got to do with this?
I'm pretty sure any being fits on a mental health spectrum. Instead of attempting to deal out accusations and axiomatic statements, you might want to check what your saying with yourself.

is this flappo?

For fuck's sake, find a better hobby than finding trolls and white-knighting subs. The fact that you wonder if I'm flappo is proof enough that you're way too cracked out on this shit.

Absolute ditto to yourself mate. Absolute ditto.

Let's make out, bitch.

Well you started talking about sucking dicks first and now making out.
Nothing surprises me.
But sure lets do this, babe.

I'll treat you like a lady, I promise. Do you have zip ties?

I love being treated like a lady, just no aggressive tones please, because you accused me of fighting earlier.
Is chocking agression?, i like that.

How the fuck would a neckbeard virgin like you know what chicks say ?

Apart from - fuck off you ugly cunt

Bet you hear that one a LOT

lol he's obsessed with me , it's pathetic

hes already spent hours arguing about the identity of a redditor

im glad someone else sees the irony in his post(s)

I think the irony is perhaps how much you actually enjoy this flappo, thats why when this dies down i don't intend to submit it again to this sub or others.

you've been flappowned™ , dipshit


This has nothing to do with this subreddit.

Anyone who gives Rogan the Opie treatment is alright with me.

This thread is as awful and as fat as those 2 Stangels.

haha, your username applies to this thread!

im indestructible.

i transcend this shitty little forum that you plebs inhabit.

i am flappo

i am legend™

Get a fucking life

Waaaahhh Waaaahhh dude you can't be doxxing him bro! Doxxing is fucked up, mmmaaaahhhnnn.

i'm not doxxing him, there is absolutely no personal information here (no names, addresses, photos, no dates, phone numbers, etc). I am not as low as flappo (who would dox given half the chance)
there is absolutely nothing which can identify flap on this post and the photo of Anon is a well known image.

Having said that, he's probably busy logging into every reddit account he has, reporting this post and down voting it, thats why he's only replied twice so far.

not me

and i'm not flappothegrate or anon

ask asprey

just a fan

shame nobody likes you


how rude you didn't even read my post.
we know you're not anon. not sure whats worse haha, fan or a flappothegrate alias but we know your flappothegrate have fun watching this all night on your friday

kid , i've done more on the net in 5 minutes than you've done in your whole pointless existence

face it

this threads about me ME MMMMEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!

not you

mainly as you're a complete NOBODY

you have nothing to worry about, you just said that you're not flappothegrate

haha lmfao, the psychosis is so present

lol you get angry and forget to log out and switch accounts?

My god man I was joking. I could give a rat's ass if you plastered his or anyone else on here's family tree. I was mocking the faux outrage from a couple months ago.

He's referencing Anthony from ona doxxed a subscriber of his network few months ago, so don't mind him he's just a faggot

Please I beg you, show me where ant doxxed someone? Not threatened to doxx someone, not offer money to doxx someone but actually doxx someone & I'll set it up for /u/Hardly_Davidson to blow you.

How's the gout, and collapsed arches fat boy?

Hey stunad, since you have nothing better to do since your wonderful TACSunsencored shit the bed a week after you started it /u/keithmaresca, really really try to doxx me it would be hilarious if you did. Only a retard would go through my post history and think I am a mod for TACSdisscusion.

You only bring up TACSUncensored because of that post that exposed a certain robust mod for deleting dozens of comments regarding his food addiction, that was classic, wish I could take credit for that.

It says youve been on here a month..and that shit hasnt been active in almost two months...and probably about 3 or 4 people were really paying attention to it...really strange that you were one of them.


this fat faggot is acting tough

hes nothing more than a ditzy featherhead

shouldn't you be logging on your other alias's?, this thread has suddenly dropped from +9 - +2, any time posting could be spent down voting this thread flappo, hurry

He's actually trolling with that account, he's a mod from another sub.

Congratulations, saw you again on South Park last night, PC Principal. How's your social justice warrior causes going? Still purging society of racism and pedophilia? Yuckeroo

get another gimmick dude. we get it you saw south park. you're as unoriginal as opie.

What was the first hint I saw south park, that I said it last post? Quick history on /u/Hardly_Davidson, he deletes his screen name every month to seem new and fresh but only gimmick is to post about ant's face every thread. He does this because "ant is a racist & pedophile ". Move along hayseed, PC Principal describes this loser perfectly.

you are so fucking crazy what in gods name are you talking about

get your own material NIGGER FAGGOT

Still purging society of tasty treats and hoagies?

flappothegrate and myself live on seperate continents , moron

im simply a fan of his work

hes an internet legend ,

his popgears have won prestigeous awards and accolades,

redban and rogan mentioned him multiple times on the podcast as a "god" ,

and hes a mac guru.

he's a living legend genius .

this thread is full of pondlife

u don't even try to type differently u loser.

I thought this thread may make you type differently or at least try ,
instead of dropping lines
every time you type ,
like this ,
you don't use caps too

Yeah spacing your posts out the same way doesn't give you away or anything

the most pathetic are cunts like the op

actually he's not a cunt he's more of an asshole

cunt's are useful and attractive

while assholes just produce endless shit .

this story is utter drivel ,

a figment of someone's twisted stupid feeble imagination ,

almost as stupid and feeble as you

on another point wtf do you contribute apart from negative bullshit ?

what do YOU bring to the table ???

do tell

LOL u so mad cuz Ari fucked girls you couldnt, bitch ass limey.

7'clock on a friday evening here in the UK and it took him 34 mins.

Your poetry is beautiful.


You're a proven fantasist.

If you don't care about this post, or wonder why others do, then don't post here?, its that simple. I've stated why we/i/some of us care.

there are at least 24 other links to click on in the sub.


Commenting on my posts or pm'ings me every time I post.

I don't care it actually made me laugh a lot. Guy won't accept my coffe

Please I beg you, show me where ant doxxed someone? Not threatened to doxx someone, not offer money to doxx someone but actually doxx someone & I'll set it up for /u/Hardly_Davidson to blow you.

haha, your username applies to this thread!

For fuck's sake, find a better hobby than finding trolls and white-knighting subs. The fact that you wonder if I'm flappo is proof enough that you're way too cracked out on this shit.

I love being treated like a lady, just no aggressive tones please, because you accused me of fighting earlier.
Is chocking agression?, i like that.

you are so fucking crazy what in gods name are you talking about

get your own material NIGGER FAGGOT