Game of Thrones

24  2015-09-24 by Dannyprecise

Jimmy - "I can't believe Lena Heady didn't win best supporting actress..."

Opie - "I knowwwwww..."

Um. You don't.


Kardashians is on, we only have one TV in the house and you know the Queen owns the remote......AMIRITE GUIZE?

I love how much show prep he did when HBO paraded all the GoT actors in there, they had the most disappointing interview with any of them ever.

And while we are on the subject, they fucking shit the bed with the Breaking Bad actors they had handed to them on a silver platter.

No wonder they are where they are. Stuck behind a paywall with niche audiences, they ougha do a show together....

Oh wait...

they fucking shit the bed with the Breaking Bad actors they had handed to them on a silver platter.

The one thing I remember from those interviews is Opie being needlessly antagonistic toward Betsy Brandt (Marie). Ant was trying to lead an actual interview and Opie was just sarcastically laughing and dismissing things she said. Even for a shithead like Opie, it was really strange and out of nowhere.

Ant gave half a shit about the show at least. What saved that interview was the fact Dean Norris and Betsy Brandt were fun people.

At 1:35 watch the retard fake laugh then peer off into this dual computer screens with random bullshit news articles on them.

remember norton wanted to be the mma guy and all he ever contributed to the mma interviews was getting choke out on air

I remember someone leg kicked him and made him nauseous. (He admitted it much later)

Fuck me I forgot who.

Rousey put him in an armbar, but all that did was give him jacking (edging) material.

I think it was Jon Jones. I still will never forgive him for rushing Norm out to bring in Brock Lesnar. Fucking fanboy fag.

I would cry like a bitch if Jon Jones kicked me. Norm for Brock, eww, biggest UFC washout ever. The freak of nature appeal lasted what...3 fights?

Pretty much. The fucker was fast tracked to the title and as soon as he lost a fight he quit and went back to WWE.

Edit: just looked it up and he had a 5-3 MMA record, I forgot he fought Carwin and lost to Overeem after Velasquez. Gotta give him props for fighting those beasts, but Norm is still far more entertaining to me. It wasn't my intention to diss Lesnar, just Jimmy for getting so erect over him.

An older post steroid Overeem. He came from Pride, where that shit is legal.

His only appeal was his size, and relative good speed for a man his size, but in the cage, with no script, against real fighters, real killers, like Cain, he shit himself.

Bas Rutten in his day would fuck these guys up.

True, and if Carwin had better stamina he would have put Lesnar away IMO.

Wrestlers have notorious stamina, I am not calling Lesnar a complete Jerk off, or not worthy of being in the octagon, Just saying he bit off more than he can chew wanting to tangle with killers who do not pull punches for a living.

I kinda like Brock as a WWE entertainer, as a fighter I found him lacking in skill...At least relative to the people around him. I feel he had alot more training to do.


Happy wife happy life


Jimmy should have asked Tits about the scene where she walks naked through the streets. I bet he would've kept lying and said something like "That was burp so hot how she sniff was naked there."

Phat tits.

Chick's and their tits

She didn't deserve to win. She used a body double for the nude scenes. It was a banging body too. The point of that scene was that the people would see what an aging saggy middle aged body she had. It would be a confirmation of her deepest fears, that people would compare her to the younger and more beautiful queen.

this tbh fam. In the books she has this reputation as being a beautiful woman and then everyone is shocked to see just a normal female body, a little overweight due to her drinking, her age, and her having had 3 kids. It was supposed to bring her back down to earth tbphqyrnf.

I think it still worked in the show because as gorgeous as the woman was there were still visible flaws and imperfections on her body. The point that came across wasn't that the Queen was no longer the most beautiful woman in Westeros, it was that she was a woman and not a Goddess.

No. That body double was smoking hot. This idea from the books had never occurred to anyone who watched the show on reddit or real life from what I have seen and heard.

She was smoking hot but she was HUMAN, which is what the people of King's Landing were seeing. Their queen was stripped everything and revealed to be just like them.

This idea from the books had never occurred to anyone who watched the show on reddit or real life from what I have seen and heard

Yeah I really had no idea that was the purpose behind it. I just assumed that she was being shamed by having to be naked in front of the entire town. I didn't know there was all of that other stuff going on behind it.

Pretty sure she was pregnant and had to use a body double

I'm more annoyed by how Jimmy uses Game of Thrones as historical reference, like "it's hard to imagine getting sick or needing surgery back in the old days like Game of Thrones"

But thankfully we will never get sick and we will be able to upload our counsciousness into robots like in Futurama.

Opie is fucking retarded. Goddammit he makes me angry. Why does this dope fill me with such guttural rage

maybe he does know. Maybe Jimmy practises his lines on a periscope before the show like Opie does so he'd already heard it.

Shit, sometimes I wonder if Jim even knows. He gets the names of characters correct like 20% of the time.

Did they ever get Pedro Pascal back for Narcos or did they blow him off and miss the chance to make a new actor friend? Fucking culturally illiterate dopes.

Fuck that's where I recognized him from. I knew Peña looked familiar.

After being confronted with Lady Di I think he would have rather gone another round with The Mountain than go back in that studio.

Did Jimmy go off on some 10 minute rant about how stupid these liberal hollywood babies are?

No, he didn't do that.

I always thought it was really weird when someone asked Jimmy who his favorite character was he thought about it for a minute and said Cersei. Wtf? Shes not even meant to be a favorite character...not even in a "root for the bad guy" type of way. Its not even that hes wrong it just doesnt make sense.

You don't have to root for a character to enjoy them. Tywin Lannister was my favorite and he wasn't quite someone to root for either.

I assume he paused his stream on her "mildly perturbed/disgusted" face and edged for a few hours.

It's an okay answer. She's an interesting character and Lena plays her very well. But that was probably the first name that popped into his head. He could have just as easily said his favorite character was Legolas or the Dragonborn.