The Stangels are back!!!!

2  2015-09-24 by Dennyislife

Rejoice. And spam the phone lines.


Haven't listened to O and J at all, much less under the Stangel tenure. However, I think they are probably the victims of inappropriate employment. From what I can tell they are a couple of behind the scenes nice dudes who shouldn't be anywhere near the mics when the existing fanbase are people like us.

Same reason I wouldn't concentrate all my marketing resources on getting frat boys involved if I worked for My Little Pony. Yet more terrible management from Opie.

He's been in radio since he was 18. I am sure he hired them to try and deflect the hate.(In a few years when every1 is talking how shitty the Stangels were, Opie will lie and try to use this excuse of why he hired them, and then say wha happened? when someone says he didn't.).


I really don't think the Stangles knew how inept Opie is at running a radio program before they signed. I think they were casual fans of the show despite what they say and figured the large breasted ginger would be able to do decent radio, not realizing it was Ant and Jim that carried him.

Justin was so obnoxious this morning.

JS: "Trust me, Opie. You're going to like the guests. I promise."

ME: What does she do?

JS: She's from Below the Deck!

Jimmy: Is that a TV show?

(After people rip him apart for not knowing the guest)

JS: This is humor I missed while I was at Temple.

Highlight was when Opie shat on one of Justin's jokes and then laughed really hard at his brothers joke right after. I think Opie might actually agree with this sub or he's jumping on the bandwagon.

You know how they tell you that if you go to save a drowning person that their panicky could cause you to drown too? Opie is that drowning person and he's trying to use the Stangle hate to keep himself afloat.

As unfunny and untalented as the Stangels are, it's obvious that Justin is the Opie of the two.