The gang discuss bonnies doc. Jimmy calls Hitchens stupid for his article.

0  2015-09-23 by Lilcumia


It's remarkable because Hitchens would have flattened everybody in that room when it comes to a discussion. I'm not saying that it would be particularly difficult, a high school debate team member could probably have them all sputtering and screaming "Baby Boy" before you know it.

I would have loved to hear Jimmy debate Hitchens on this topic. What a one sided affair that would have been.

You don't think our little addict to being a former addict could intellectually match Christopher Hitchens?

I may be out of pocket but I think it's highly unlikely!

Hitchens' great (and at times hilarious) response to the criticism of his article about women not being funny:

One of the frumps says "I don't know what he has to do with comedy". About as much as you, bitch. And Vos talking about "dese people dat have never been on shtage". Hitchens may have never spoke in front of a small italian restaurant in pinebrook new jersey, but he has been on much larger shtages.

Humor is something people deal with on a daily basis. To quote Louis CK on O&A, "who says you have to be vetted in something to have an opinion?" Why are there so many comics that are this retarded and arrogant about their stupid job? I respect the really good ones, but come on you're not much more than a carny. Oh wait sorry, this is coming from a "civilian".

Yeah, that annoyed me too. Hitchens actually knew comedy very well. He would always make jokes during debates. You knew Hitchens was involved if, in a usually dry and serious debate, laughter breaks occurred. He even did stand-up for fun, while being the greatest social commentator of the generation.

greatest social commentator of the generation

no. a turncoat trotskyist who became a warmongering right wing shill. he was as much of a carny act as anyone else.

jesus christ,so many dumb cunts talking at once.Tits might not have been the stupidest person in the room for once.

None of these dullards have even read the article. He was speaking about how women don't need to be funny (evolutionarily speaking) because they've got a pussy.

Bonnie is not a comedian, she's the wife of a man who hangs out with comedians.

Also if you asked these dummies to name a funny woman I can guarantee they would say Amy Schumer. She's not funny, she never will be.

Bonnie is such a wannabe intellectual too. She jumped in with how she usually likes him because he goes after the hard targets but this time he took the easy one. First, he goes after the targets he believes should be gone after, it has nothing to do with level of difficulty. Second, AWWW da poor lil gals are being picked on! We shouldn't punch down, boys.

It's hard to say who was the biggest wannabe intellectual in that room between her and Margaret Cho.

Later in the show they showed the perfect example of why women can't be funny - people started tweeting that Rich had made a joke about Margaret Cho in the past and Opie tried to get him to repeat it, but Bonnie wouldn't allow it because it was too mean and she didn't want her feelings to be hurt.

Margaret Cho is just a fat Esther Ku.

but Bonnie wouldn't allow it because it was too mean and she didn't want her feelings to be hurt.

Oh god. Basically proving Hitchens absolutely correct. That isn't funny instincts, that's the instincts of nurturing. Which is fine, but it sure as fuck isn't funny.

Jesus christ Opie is such a faggot, he tried to nail Vos to the cross in the beginning for calling their shit conversation boring, and it triggered passive aggressive stealth trying to get you back Opie.
