Can we please just ignore O&J?

23  2015-09-22 by axeheadroad


Thats how you win, you don't talk about him or post his shitty videos.

How hard is that can that be?


This post will come and go, and we'll continue to make fun of that clown.

Ok, so who do we make fun of?

No one, just talk about old shows and wait for another Opie or Anthony meltdown. Id have no fucking idea who Harryhater is if it wasn't for this sub. Fuck you guys for exposing that shit to me.

You suggest paying no attention to either of them, erstwhile maintaining your intentions to visit this very sub.

You define the madness of many of this place's visitors.


I do not like the way you talk.

Serious question from a dumb pleb, do you talk like that in real life? Like would you say that out loud and not feel silly?

Like most people I speak colloquially but write/type with more effort

But not including punctuation of course.

Serious question from a dumb pleb, do you talk like that in real life? Like would you say that out loud and not feel silly?


How hard is that can that be?

Ok so why do you subscribe?

Waiting for another Ant v Opie battle, or classic youtube links that I haven't heard, Oh and that guy/girl u/Beverly_Sheckler that posted all of 2011 which is pretty pretty good.

His radio show's dead, bud.

Yeah that's why he's more likely to lose his shit and entertain us again.


Well nobody wants to sit around and be nice and ramble on about the same old shit. Sure we can do that on a couple posts a day, but in OnA spirit someone has to constantly be getting dismantled

I don't get people who don't think that this sub really is in keeping with the best type of funny that the boys used to do.

They bashed, we bash now. What the fuck else are we supposed to talk about?

This sub is proof that:

1) there are a lot of sick fuckers here who share a sense of humor.

2) we're proof that they really did have a lot of fans who cared enough about 2 old millionaires and their slaves to still be gossiping about them to this day.


Preach brothaman!

Oh that is so gay. Make fun of no one. How is that getting upvotes in this sub?

Its getting upvotes because the marketplace/nation is tired of things that are hurtful. Just six years ago, ah, I remember doing something against Anthony and Opie because of violent sickening images they used and clearly that hasn't stopped, so im back to once and for all put a stop to you and your negative use of the word "Gay".


Are you the nation? I'm not the nation!

Chet Hanx along with those Bonfire b-b-b-boys

is it just me or does everybody remember his name as chet haze for some reason?

is chet hanx an interdimensional traveller that also goes by chet haze?

I just listen to Nopie shows... Though I'll run out soon

Before the Opie hate started, we were hating on Roland, Danny and Sam. We could go back to that

I heard that show Downton Abbey rally is delightful.

The real problem is the people who still listen via subscribing to siriusxm. How does talking about him matter if you aren't gving him money and occasionally listening to pirated youtube clips?

I continue to support yimmy.

I would ignore, but who else is a bigger fucking internets lolcow than Opie?

He responds to internet hate like a 13 year old girl. All this time and fame, and he still has not learned.

With all due respect, sir, I will not stand down.

I'd be all for it if it accomplished anything but he'd still have a show,be rich, and post more unfunny vids so nah.

It's true. You are just a snowflake. But a bunch of snowflakes can cause an avalanche. I learned that from Colins Twitter.

Mans wise beyond his years

It'll come in time. Eventually we'll have to move on. Nobody seems to listen anymore here.

Your phone cut out....

Agreed. Opie likes any attention good or bad, that's why he makes the harry videos. Thumbs down are still views to him. He doesn't care. He has that me me me mentality like his mommy. Ignore the dumbass, and don't post his videos here, and especially stop listening.

Trust me. He cares.

Hey, I hope we're getting to him. He looks like we are.

Hence the breasts and terrible ageing.

I don't really care what his opinion about this all is or how it affects him. If it gets to him sure that makes me laugh but if it doesn't affect him it doesn't make a difference. I'm just a dickhead who likes making jokes about hate-able people

Me too.

You're a cunt fatty.

Fuckin hater, this sub needs to be demolished.

No, I like the show. Mark Norman was on with pete favidson and it was pretty funny.

Relevant username


Mike Rowe wasn't bad, either.

Nah. It's fun to mock the mentally retarded.

Don't you understand, sir, that we're never going to break Opie's spirit if we just ignore him? We're trying to give him a complex here, okay?

Still listen for decent comedy guests and moments of Jimmy brilliance

Finally this sub is beginning to wake up

No! This is my whole life! This is my whole existence! Fuck you!

If we ignore OnJ and we already have been ignoring TACS for some time, what exactly should be discussed here?

It seems this subreddit are the only people not ignoring the onj show.

Opie's loving his life right now. Ignoring him makes his life that much better. It's proper that he suffers.

tss what do you want us to pay more attention to the apple juice or sumtin?

Can we stop making "Can we..." threads?

This isn't a family, faggot. We are individuals. You stop listening or keep listening if you want to, and so will I.

"Can we..." How can you type those words you actual homosexual?


You might want to read up on what logic actually is, retard.


You have no soul

Waiting for another Ant v Opie battle, or classic youtube links that I haven't heard, Oh and that guy/girl u/Beverly_Sheckler that posted all of 2011 which is pretty pretty good.

Hey, I hope we're getting to him. He looks like we are.

Its getting upvotes because the marketplace/nation is tired of things that are hurtful. Just six years ago, ah, I remember doing something against Anthony and Opie because of violent sickening images they used and clearly that hasn't stopped, so im back to once and for all put a stop to you and your negative use of the word "Gay".

Mans wise beyond his years