Why no mention of Anthony's 100k fake followers?

0  2015-09-22 by dflorio



You know, you're right. With Ant's constant obsession with going viral and crafting tweets, checking numbers and bringing them up on air, filming and editing videos and making new and creative characters for Youtube, you'd think someone, somewhere, would give a shit how many followers some radio douchebag has.

You just mentioned it. Congrats, you're the first one today.

No one's interested anymore.

Because this.


2015-08-26 01:46 UTC

@OpieRadio you mean THESE "real" fans?

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To be fair, the last time his numbers spiked Anthony did acknowledge and joke about it on his show.

He's mentioned it himself and joked about it.

Ant also admitted it on the show and on Twitter that someone bought him followers, it was when Bobo got a couple hundred thousand new followers overnight.

Anthony who?

Anthony Semenia. He has a podcast.

Tsss.......anthony 100k? What is he like Andre 3000 x a million or something?