You are all faggots. Opie is laughing at you!

0  2015-09-22 by cold_sauce

Opie is extremely successful, wealthy, and respected in his field. Look in the mirror. Are you even a respected truck driver or stock boy or whatever the fuck you are? Probably not. You all have little dicks and it comes through in every post on this thread. Have a good day.


Opie is quite successful and wealthy, however, who the fuck respects him in his field? Even the people he hasn't attacked who he believed to be his closest friends in the business have all deserted him. And so you know sir, I'm the most respected cocksucker in all of Miami.

Nobody likes or respects Opie. He's way more famous than he ever deserved to be and he wants to be more than that, but has nothing to offer, so he's selling his retard audience full of angry hateful fucks down the river while also "trolling" them, while also trying to be appealing to more people.

Which he isn't.

Because nobody cares what a douchey 60 year old father who has never had anything to say, has to say.

Being a millionaire he's gotten used to getting his own way. It probably makes it hurt so much more that the general opinion of him is that's he is a blundering idiot and there's nothing his millions can do to change that.

I guess the nicest thing you could say about the Ol' Opester is, at least he didn't do something douchey, like, take some of that money and offer to give it away if someone would find a specially marked...oh.

respected in his field

You lost me.

There is a lot of untalented people who has been successful.

You werent even successful at writing that sentence fuck tard

Cunt fucker

Thats better keep it simple.

And a good day to youuuu


This place is turning into 4chan.

not enough CP

Or humor.

Stop fucking posting this everywhere
