Opie is trolling

0  2015-09-21 by [deleted]



He isn't smart enough to troll

If he was trolling, he wouldn't be blocking.

Trolls might win from their perspective but trolling people bringing up legitimate points about how you suck is really just a way to justify the fact that he can't out do anyone at anything.

Is disgusting a few hundred people really a pay off worth completely embarrassing yourself and everyone you work with by putting up those videos?

He's a grown man who un-ironically uses the term "hater."

He's already lost.

It's actually annoying that the expression "hating" ever caught on.

It gives everyone a cop-out. "Oh, you're just being a hater."

Sometimes things are worthy of legitimate criticism.

Opie stinks.

I love how Jimmy says he loves the how much hate (dislikes) the video gets and his refusal to comment on the character or its the video itself.

Thanks for the insight, Joshua.

No, Opie is "trolling," because he doesn't understand Internet culture and trolls like a retarded person.

Opie doesn't have the tact to troll effectively.

That's all he knows how to do - it's what 5 year olds do. You'd think that a 55 year old man would have developed some kind of talent, by now.

It doesn't count as trolling if you keep announcing you're trolling. You're supposed to hate it!

He may think he's trolling, but he's just making himself into a giant asshole. Not playing only stops his decent into the ultimate hack nut job. The best strategy here is to give him more shit and hope that he takes it to levels we couldn't even expect from him.