Why was Sam hidden in nights?

6  2015-09-21 by StopApologizingUSA

Never listen to O and J anymore so I only hear what Ant makes reference to when it comes to Sirius XM. I knew Sam got the midday slot what seems like only a month or two ago and now he's doing overnights. Has there been any explanation. Even if NO ONE was listening usually a show is given much more time to grow. Especially with a subscriber based platform


That's when "those people" tend to come out

Supposedly the Stangels came to him personally and told him he'd do much better in the evening, and moved him there. I assume they don't want him anywhere near the opester's show, because it's their show now, so they moved him to a time slot as far away from the morning zoo as possible.

I love how Opie wasnt the one to inform Sam. He has zero control over his station.

It's not his station. Management might "love the direction of the new show", maybe even consider his input, but Opie does not and has never run that channel.

I should have put quotes around his in my response. It bears his name and he has no clout period.



Because his show is shit?

Well i would love to give you an opie/stangels conspiracy theory answer, like the rest of the homos on this sub but.

It was probably low ratings, they have to monitor the audience somehow, anyways the real proof of this was in the show. If you listened to sam the first hour normally was him setting up a topic and talking to the callers about it ( theezzz nutttzzz). in the later shows you could see sam setting up the topic over and over again without callers. Or letting trough any motherfucker that would call.

Thats the same problem john and jeff had.

So thats my theory, sirius saw sam getting nowhere and decided to move him to nights instead of just canceling him. Why? well probably pressure from the people that have worked with sam for years, that are trying to defend his show. (this probably includes opie)

Pretty much any schedule change for an entertainment program portends they're having trouble finding an audience.

I guess the manchildren that live and die with wrestling have late bedtimes.

they dont have the numbers remember? if they do i wonder what ron and fez numbers was?

the company is full of shit, but i actually believe the whole numbers thing.

I dont think they have "exact" numbers because of the whole satellite sistem they use. But they must have all kind of indicators to follow wich shows are getting a bigger audience. The proof of this is simple. The bonfire has a huge billboard on times square right now, and they are planning on setting up a new one in L.A.

Dan and big jay went to a huge metting full of company executives, where they tried to figure out how to make money out of the bonfire. Of course Dan had a wrestling t shirt and big jay was dressed like a hobo.

They dont have the numbers but they KNOW that the bonfire is doing great.

actually the only real "numbers" i have ever seem are on the youtube channel were they pirate most of the shows. (the guy doesnt upload sam, but the few times he did, the show did poorly)

According to other shows, Sirius has definite numbers on how many callers participate, how many people are streaming live, and how many people listen on-demand. It's not hard to imagine these numbers are very low for Sam's shit show. Just check out the subreddit for his show - no one cares about a guy with a horrible voice taking about bullshit TMZ gossip. Even Entertainment Weekly thought he was garbage, and their core audience actually cares about that crap.

i agree, but it breaks my heart, i was a huge fan of special delivery with sam and dave. Its horrible to see both opie and anthony, and sam and dave just selfdestruct and go down the drain in such a spectacular way.

I guess in a few years im going to be posting about dan soder new shitty show. And how big jay got fired, over a fistfight with some hasidic jews. Hoping that the big jay network will get better guests when they move from his basement.

Sad but true.

Is there anywhere I can download those Sam and Dave episodes?

aint they giving them billboard because its a comedy central show?

Yeah, even if they can't get numbers on satellite listeners, they can still use the online streams to have a pretty damn accurate idea of what shows are popular.

ME: It was a promotion. Now Sam gets 15 hours of radio a week. Nice try with the hate tho

Because he's Opie's bitch. I don't even mean that as an insult, he's a worm to Opie in the name of "playing the game" but he's getting fucked by it now.

I have a feeling they're going to try to bring Ron back to Opie's channel and do the afternoon slot.

That would suck. He already has O&A listeners being on a different channel exposes him to more people than opieraqio listeners.

I hope not. I don't like him on Fridays as is.

The switch is weird. Midday seems like it sucks, but nights isn't much better. He really should have gotten a good time slot like afternoon drive.

He was outshining Opie so they had to knock him down a peg.

west coast audience? LA Sam!

Garbage show, garbage host, garbage time slot.

Next year he'll be the lead in for Rock All Night featuring Scorch in Charleston, WV.

Didn't Opie take the credit for this today? I caught the end of the show and Opie was saying it was his doing. That mid days are really hard and not a great spot, and that Sam's already doing great and was so happy to be moved.

he also backtracked to comment that Ronnie is a different story, "of course' he's doing great in mid day.

Because he's as black as.

West coast afternoon drive

That makes sense because we do have most of the faggots in America on this coast, who all relate to Sam.

Just hire sam as 3rd mic on the Opie and Jim show. Sam would get a huge bump up and the show would improve ten fold.

10x0 is still 0.