What would possess a man to make these noises?

21  2015-09-20 by mattyp3


Sounds like insecurity creeping out in a room full of talent.

I hope that is the early signs of Alzhiemers and we can listen to him go senile on air like Don Imus.


That's the titster's version of when an angry 15 year old bratty chick says "Omigod. Omigod. OMIGOD!"

I think he was gonna go with a character or something but he got too nervous, backed out, and awkwardly tried to pretend that those noises were part of a question he was lining up to ask.

So fucking unnecessary haha

goddamn, Anthony in the background of that pic made me laugh so fucking hard. "a salud!"

he is closer to a chimp than Bobo

Bobo and Opie.

That BO stinks.


Opster going full tilt

oh do I wish this was a compilation....it gets way way worse than this