Opie trolls you fags so easily. Keep it up with the harry videos Opie, they flock to them, downvote and then watch the video 10 times in a row.

0  2015-09-20 by franklin_27

He plays you dummies perfectly.


By saying that "he plays us," you're assuming that Opie put diabolical thought into Hater Harry.

Opie is not a thinker. He's a doer. He created the character because he saw that Jimmy's characters were beloved.

Hater Harry was done for comedic purposes (and failed miserably). There is no way he created a character to be hated - because Opie hates any criticism thrown his way.

absolute spot on... couldnt agree with this more

He gets you idiots enraged every day with this shit and he KNOWS it. Why not embarrass this sub while making millions?

Again, you're assuming that Opie is intelligent enough to think that far ahead.

He created Hater Harry (and every other Opie video) with the sole purpose of being funny and going viral. He never created anything to purposely get "more hate."

Case in point, Steven Knight tweeted "Please stop doing this." after Opie posted his newest Harry video. Opie replied, "Shut up, Steven." He doesn't like criticism.

Again, you're assuming that Opie is intelligent enough to think that far ahead.

Except that he is, and these videos make him a lot of money because of the traffic you generate for him. Keep putting the bread on his table.

The bread on his table isn't coming from us looking at his Hater Harry videos.

The bread came from Anthony and Jimmy, who were so talented that they made Opie seem above average.

Opie isn't clever enough to do things that have subtle implications. Everything he does is delivered at face value. We know this.

You have no idea what Opie is capable of you delusional moron. You don't know the people from the show. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Yeah, Opie is extremely clever & witty.


Compared to this sub? Yup.

Not really. The photoshops & comments on here are typically far funnier than anything Opie has ever done.

Benjamin, I know you obsessively hate Anthony, but that's no reason to stick up for Opie.

I don't hate Anthony, i think he is funny. But he betrayed Opie and threw him under the bus.

Hey dummy if he was trolling this sub the Harry Hater content would be about his haters NOT trump and obama. Viral Spiral boy is trying to create a character with some buzz but once again he sucks.

Relax Slippery Slope fag .

Hardly_Davidson Previous Deep Thought - that bit about the carpenter, how amazing were those 6 wooden tables? the author Thomas Harris has only written 6 books and hes like 80 years old. just sayin.

How's the gout fatso? Lol I'd repost your comments about Domino's pizza but you deleted them tubby.

Getting around that time when you delete this account too, Former_Tacs_Sub. As you see your post history exposes what an uninteresting dullard you are.

What were the pro's and con's of Papa Johns pizza again? It seems you deleted that post too.

Not afraid to smash anybody on the show, used to be a mod at wackbag.

You bragged about being a mod at wackbag like it was a good thing, you uninteresting dullard. How about FBA, post there too you loser?

Dumb ass I was saying that Pete Davidson was a mod at wackbag, and that he smashes anybody in the studio. But who cares about that you bed ridden fatty pig fatty.

So another lie, shocker. All you trolls just make shit up like that DassRaciss homo.

you should try some of Rogans weight loss supplements you fat fag

I'm as fat as you are skinny. You're a psychopath though unlike that uninteresting dullard Hardly_Davidson

you seem to be extremely interested in me , while i have zero interest in you

you're just another one in the long line of anonymous morons i encounter on the net daily

get a hobby , bungee jumping or bus surfing ?

Oh, you again.


Paranoid eh?


Very paranoid indeed, sir.

Buy out Jim's contract and let him join Anthony, its the best thing to do.

Hi Opie!

He makes a fool of you!

Harry hater even worse than Loves the internet guy.

Notice all his failures at characters are internet based?

Pathetic, number driven child.

Tits isn't a complicated person, he's not like an onion with the layers.

How would you know that? Are you ever objective with yourself?



(Highest video only has 15'000 views)...'they flock to them'.

YOU flock to them dummy.

Why not embarrass this sub while making millions?

So $66 per view then. Gotcha.

Yep he makes millions.

..off the back of Anthony Cumia's talent.

haha, you tell it like it is!

Thx brah!

That's the biiiiiit

Yep, and he is making a fool out of you with it.

You're not very good at this sir, delete this account and try again.

You are absolutely correct, but the retards who mouth foam about Opie are barely more intelligent than he is. If these children had any self-restraint, Opie's suicide would have happened a long time ago.

Also the asspain you've generated with this thread is proof how easily lead these retards are.

I haven't watched a one of them, I just copy/paste the car-crash sound in the comments section and be about my day. So, check, dummy.



Thx brah!