Apparently Anthony (AKA "the talented one") had an event this weekend. Did all the posts about it get deleted?

6  2015-09-20 by Ant_Sucks

I don't see any posts about it. It's like a ghost town here for Anthony discussion. All I see are Opie posts. Can someone link me to where all of Anthony's fans are discussing him please?


Nobody cares, he is finished too.

So simple, but perfectly said.

Some dude with a paywall podcast did something?

Didn't hear about it, too much free shit going on, and I am not a blindfaith diehard who dumps my credit card info into a fucking paid podcast with ads.

For the love of God - somebody help this man in crisis. He clearly needs to bust a load over some Anthony chit chat.

So, based on your reasoning, the majority of this sub wants to cum on some Opie chit chat, all day every day.

You embarrassed yourself, sir.

I hope you get bone cancer.

Except for when he's really going out of his way to shit on us, when Ant sucks, he just cultivates aggressive disinterest. When Opie sucks, he activates every hate gland I have.

No video or audio of event dummy. What's there to comment on?

He was fired from SiriusXM so he is in the public eye less than he was before.

a u talking about the launch party thing? or is there some other event? btw what was he launching?

Himself, into obscurity

Truth, truth. Preach brotha, you da fuckin man

I felt bad and took down my Ant has an ugly face post, next Saturday I'll leave it up.

Let me guess it was about black people and how it's all their fault? Throw in some Obama barbs with a impersonation of let's say....Vince for good measure. Both of these guys are washed up without each other

If there was free video or audio of the event we would talk about. But there isn't and no one wants to pay money for a podcast. That's all there is to it.