So Opie, you think your life is going ok?

31  2015-09-20 by unclepaul84


You're right, that guy is living the life!

Please tell me that's Lynsi

Fake picture, this is the real one. Nice try with the hate though.


It is.

That picture is at least 15 years old.

Bam is a fat old man.

Yeah he is, he's got a big ass gut now, well on his way to looking like his dad.

So sad...


Inb4 someone posts that video of bam getting knocked out a few months ago

Opie took that picture.

He also has the so called tape that does not exist, not only does he have it, but he watches it once a week.

I went to high school with his cousin

Ism't it objectively better than yours? Opie can get provably hotter women, works less, makes more, and is more famous. And these are the provables. Instead of anonymously complaining about a radio-host on a lonely subreddit, maybe you should work to improve your life. I don't like Opie, but his life is proof that if you just work, you'll succeed.

Can this please stop?