The attention Opie & Jim are giving this HACK Nicole Arbour is proof of how out of touch they are.

34  2015-09-19 by [deleted]



Who the fuck is Nicole Arbour?

I looked her up from the other thread about an hour ago, and I already forgot.

She turned Jenna marbles into a poor man's Jenna marbles

Jenna Marbles fucking blows. It was embarrassing when Ant tried to show her because he thought she was funny.

Makes sense ant would get the poor man's Jenna marbles

Did she put marbles up her ass?

no, but I can,almost gaurentee she does butt stuff

It's a city in Michigan.

Shitty youtube "comedian". I just watched a bit of one of her videos. Fucking awful.

I looked her up and this shit came up. It's not amazing but still better than Jimmy's standup.

Jim just wants to fuck her. Opie just wants da numbers

Never seen so many grown ass men go after such low hanging fruit. Teets and Smeagol Show edgy as fuck.

I hate the fat acceptance movement but what I hate even more is what an exact jenna marbles rip off this bitch is. And its not like she has anything to say, there are a million video blogs ripping on fat acceptance. no idea why hers went "viral".

Because that fat pig from TLC made a response video. That's why.

And speaking of that, how did someone that fat get on TV for any other show than "my 600 pound life". Shouldn't her show just be called "My 600 Pound Life: The Extended Series"? What the fuck else is it? Well I won't be watching to find out.

^ That's the only reason any of this is deemed relevant by anyone. It seems like a lot of people here are confused and not sure what they want to hate today.

We're telling the people of this country that the most idiotic, asinine and totally grating personalities can be on TV as long as they happen to be fat, gay or trans. I don't think that's going to be good for entertainment or comedy.

Exactly, anyone who thinks she's edgy or courageous should be shot in the face

o&a was a show of comedy snobbery. They were happy to call anyone who isn't part of the "comedy cellar" crowd a hack. Any comedy TV show or movie that came out they would say it stinks.

Now in the O&J era, pretty much anyone who considers themselves "in comedy" is welcome. YouTube/vine comedians, comedy actors/actresses, L.A. Douches....they will take them all. it makes me cringe


They really were just right place, right time, right 3rd mic comedy doormat. They hit gold with lil jimmy being friends with every funny person on earth but not funny enough himself to get off the show. Patrice died, Louis got too big, Burr met a black chick, Colin found broadway and they are left with jimmy, bawby and florentine. And I'm still not convinced Florentine is a working comedian.

The show just happened to blow up and blow out at the same time Lil Jimmy was able to book his funny friends.

Soo many "who gives a fuck" stories in the recent weeks. Why do brainless cunts like nichole arbour and yapping hens from The View matter at all? Why do people value the shit they say?

If this would have happened a month ago, that fat shitball would have been on the season premiere of South Park.

The saddest thing is that since I don't listen to the show anymore, the ONLY way I hear about half of these zilches is literally people making fun of it on this sub. I never hear of them before or after. The show is just having on irrelevant people for...? With so many fantastic NYC comedians, actors coming through town and the like, this show should be wall to wall with funny talent, and it's more of a gossip rag. I don't understand it. I've only heard a show or two in the last few years, but Opie kept interrupting or going back to topics involving reality shows or gossip. I don't get it.

She sucks. All she did was take some other girls YouTube gimmick and started doing the same exact thing.

A fun thing to do is thumbs down all her shitty videos and tell her that Opie told us to do it.

Ah man..could you imagine! ....

Listening him try to explain the hater agenda would be great. I wonder if she knows the president of YouTube too.

People on this sub throw around hack too much when the person is actually less than hack.

Opie for instance is less than hack. He should retweet with pride when someone calls him a hack.

Hack is the new cuck. Theyll keep misusing it until it loses its meaning

If opie were a hack it would be a 100% improvement

I'm pretty fat but I fucking hate all that "fat shaming" bullshit, there's nothing good about being fat. Fat shaming is the only thing that effectively motivated me to start going to the gym and eating better. So fuck the people outraged by what she said.

That being said, she's still an unfunny attention seeking, valueless hole who does not even deserve to be discussed on any platform above tumblr and


that was kinda the intent


Shut up about patrice already. Jesus fuck.


Yes, I know this. WE all know this

When did the show start these Dish Nation tilt angle videos?

Media destination bro!

and the fat broad couldn't be bothered doing Tit's show.He couldn't get the fatty who was looking for attention.

tee fuckin hee.

Hack you say? More like "hole"!!


Whaddaz she like TREES or sumthin tss

Don't worry, next week they'll have raywilliamjohnson on, cuz that's what the kids are watching these days...

They're doing what the WWE is doing.

Trying to get a young, stupid, audience that doesn't know any better.

Fuck, I wish Patrice was in studio to say fuck both of these dumb bitches.

You gotta respect her - she's saying the things everyone else wants to say, but we're all a bunch of baby boys.

Speak for yourself guy

That's funny because I can't turn on my TV without seeing her on the news, is opie the one out of touch or are you sir? Seems pretty relevant to me

Shut up benjamin


Hack is the new cuck. Theyll keep misusing it until it loses its meaning

If opie were a hack it would be a 100% improvement