The Boys vs. The View

5  2015-09-19 by [deleted]



The View vs The View

The boys vs O&J

She sounded like a compulsive liar with her date rape drug story, and apparently she was lying about the youtube guy who she said she had a message from, she never posted it and the guy has contacted Jimmy to talk about it.

So it wouldn't surprise me if she was lying about everything regarding the view. Strange that they always seem to edit very unfunny people like Nicole and Eliza who claim that they were just killing on the view.


Uhh, I'm pretty sure Pete and Tom were both saying that her vids weren't stand-up comedy, but could be labeled "comedy entertainment" or some stupid shit. Either way, they shut her down fast on that.

they're NOT standup

Yeah, she's detestable in general, but that roofie story was what really put it over the top. "The drink was still moving" and whatnot, the symptoms she described (though to be fair I think that was Opie describing his "friend" and the female hack just agreed) that don't match what Rohypnol actually does.

Also the person who was watching her drink mysteriously disappeared from the story and she looked around the bar and used her psychic powers to determine who had drugged her drink.

And of course she lives out her tough girl fantasy of pouring her drink over him without reporting it to the police or anything.

How do you know all this drama and still call yourself a man?

He just FFFFFUCKIN' HATES those fake apologies!!!

Are they riding to the defense of this vapid Youtube celebrity?

She has nice armpits.

I'd lick em

Who cares what a clickbating whore says about another clickbating whore.. Totally uninterested in her or that fat chick... Enough already with the gossipy horse shit.

Gotta love sam

Dumb Girl "I might be the blonde but I'm not the idiot"

Sam with no excitement in his voice "Wow"