twitter is gay

21  2015-09-18 by CCRed95


If it wasn't for twitter we'd still have O&A.

Since they all get their material from Twitter (formerly Paltalk) I'm not so sure about that.

They could've pulled almost the same material from facebook, news sites, reddit and other sites. I don't think if what happened with Ant happened and all he had was facebook that it would've went down the same way. His post would've been longer so he could've explained himself more and the way facebook works it was less likely that it would go viral and be picked up by gawker the way tweets are. Tweets make it so easy for to be modern day muckrakers and to try and turn nothing into a big story. Just a few weeks ago they tried and failed to do it to Bill Burr after he made Caitlyn Jenner jokes, they formed an entire article around a few tweets saying he upset a lot of people, meanwhile 90% of the comments on the article and youtube video and on twitter were people saying that he didn't even say anything bad and nobody was mad, even transgendered people were saying it.

yeah ant's overt racism is "nothing"

Where do I say that?

I am only on there for the funnymofo updates

Would it be inappropriate to assume you are "all in" with the FunnyMofo?


Vurry good.

management loves it.

If you have Twitter (and are not a celebrity or business owner) please explain why. It is fascinating to me. Gracias

If you're into nerdy stuff it is a great way to follow production on movies/comics/shows and announcements for that sort of thing. Also if you are an artist or just like art its a great way to find new stuff, same with instagram.

I made one to follow a podcast I liked with few listeners. After a few minutes I deleted my account I had just made, it just seemed so useless. Nobody would follow me that I'm not friends with on facebook anyway, so I couldn't really see the point.

i'm not a lonely elderly man and actually have friends to communicate with?

i'd say 90% of the accounts i follow are from websites i'd visit. Instead of going to that website to see if anything of interest is on there i go to one place and get quick headlines with links to the website should i chose to read more.

I follow soccer on it. Breaking news with transfers and play-by-play tweets from clubs go out on twitter. I'm not always near a TV when a game is on so I check the feed to see what's going on.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

There is.

Twitter is gay and faggot.

this guy gets it

yeah a real den of the hater agenda

If it wasn't Twitter it'd be something else. Ant's racism and our wanting-to-be-offended society killed O&A. Though social Media has made Opie and Anthony shittier people too, sure.

He's not lying, I've seen a bunch of peckahz on there.


You too.

You're not wrong

Even a broken boner is right twice a day

Thank you!

I think that it like many things has an age and sex and race component to it. It is bizarre and doubly obnoxious to listen to 50 year old men whining about "haters" on Twitter and bragging about sending people to "Block Island." That is just astonishingly inappropriate behavior for them personally and it shows a glaring lack of consideration for the older, whiter demo that listens to the show and thinks Twitter is for black people, women and faggy teenagers. You'd still hate it from a young person but you would see why it was happening. Why do 50 year old men have Twitter accounts that they obsess over like teenagers?

What about that kurt tho, he's almost opie lite

Rrrrrrr we hate everything rrrrrrr!!!!

If you have Twitter (and are not a celebrity or business owner) please explain why. It is fascinating to me. Gracias

If you have Twitter (and are not a celebrity or business owner) please explain why. It is fascinating to me. Gracias

We heard you

If you have Twitter (and are not a celebrity or business owner) please explain why. It is fascinating to me. Gracias

Twatter is the refuge of neckbeards, and assholes with no real life friends. Twatter fags typically judge how popular they are by so called follower numbahs..

So when you tweet your meal, all your fucking girlfriends, and faggot parade marching followers can compliment you and ask for the recipe. I bet it gets 3 favorites and one retweet, completing your pathetic lives, fucking go out, touch a "real' girl, leave your phone home one day.

Twatter! HA! You see what he did there fellas?

I just retweeted you. Neckbeard realized shit existed outside his computer screen.


You're not wrong

Since they all get their material from Twitter (formerly Paltalk) I'm not so sure about that.