Opie doesn't show up on Scott Shannon WCBS FM appearance

52  2015-09-18 by highflyin

I didn't listen to the segment, but, they had advertised Opie and Jim appearing this morning on Scott Shannon's show. Then Scott Shannon's Twitter feed showed a few pictures of Jimmy and said "Thanks Jim Norton for stopping by."

Opie couldn't make an appearance on a Friday morning for a few minutes with Jim? What, did his wife have a brunch with the other housewives and Opie had to babysit his son (his daughter never counts). What an asshole.


Tits just didn't want to be the 3rd best radio guy in the room again.

If he and Scott Shannon were alone in an elevator (ME: Elevator show!) together, he'd still be the 3rd best radio guy in the room.

Oh god I forgot about the elevator show. He really thought that would take off.

He really doesn't know why his show was successful, why people listened, or why people laughed.

I always used to see it on ebaumsworld. That's actually how I first found out about O&A. Was always wondering who the fuck the retard recording it was, now here I am.

jesus youre a newfag, why are you still hanging on?

Get your 4 month 4chan loving faggot ass out of here. You don't know shit. And worse than that you probably listen to opieraqio.

what motherfucker are you talking about?

You guys sure are grumpy over seemingly nothing.

He's the one talking shit

Upvote just for the Elevator Show reminder.

Thought about this yesterday when it was announced, and it's probably the reason he didn't show, tittyboy can't control the callers if it's not his show. Pussy.

That's the sad part. Scott wouldn't let any of our nonsense get through anyway and Greggshells should know that.

Opie prolly thinks everyone is like him trying to set ppl up, just like that time he was trying to set up Ethan hawk

With that riveting flu talk?

It would just promote this culture of hate.....y'know, coming from the guy who smashed a homeless man's cake, smashed stalker patty's glasses, threw poker chips and a woman, smashed Sandy Kane's guitar, I'm sure I'm forgetting a fuck ton of such loveable actions from sugar free tits.

Don't forget "Has Been Corner".

It's a hateful show. Hate made the guy rich. If you can't stand the heat then stop tweeting and broadcasting, Greggtits.

Kathleen put your goddamn clothes back on.

He threw a woman?

That must be that retard strength I been hearin about.

Fuck you.

From cbslocal.com:

Little Jimmy, as he’s affectionately known to his fans, was thrilled to be in studio with Scott Shannon today, and the feeling was absolutely mutual from everyone at WCBS-FM.

Although Jimmy, along with Greg ‘Opie’ Hughes and former co-host Anthony Cumia have been known to take some jabs at Scott’s past radio shows during their #Jocktober bits (that’s where the “There’s a tree on my house” and “I wanna see the boat movie” quotes of Scott’s became famous), but the guys have since become very good friends, and the friendship was obvious during Jimmy’s visit.

It's a breath of fresh air to see a radio host who's not above making fun of himself. Senile Scott is better than Opie on his best day, PERIOD.

Wouldn't it be great if Scott jocktobered Opie?

It would take the crew from Hoarders to rid of all the cum in here.

Scott is a pro and can move past stuff like that. He knows he is good at what he does, and ultimately everyone can agree that Todd is what made Scott and Todd terrible.

Opie is a 13 year old girl, obsessed with social media and what people think of him, and is the "Todd" of O&A or O&J.

He had to clean the skate bearings and adjust the trucks for a family friend.

Speculation: I think he suffers from anxiety attacks now. Can't go any place he isn't used to. I wonder what/who could be the cause of that?

He's turning into Fez.

Fez put a gay voodoo hex on opie. He's laughing from beyond the grave.

Instead of "Thinner", it was "Tittier"

When can we anticipate multiple heart attacks, then?

That fuckin' sugar documentree he lies about seeing unfortunately pushed his death back to approx. 2021


Any word on what fez is up to?

I don't know about that, but he obviously panics when he has to be in any situation that he can't control or where everyone else does the majority of the work for him. Which I find weird, because he constantly puts himself into situations on Youtube and Twitter where he basically begs people to shit on him. Yet he can't handle doing his own show on his own or being a guest on someone else's show. He really has an odd understanding of the business he is in.

Anyone could hide behind social media. He's essentially a basement nerd.

I have inside sources that can confirm this. PM me for further details as I don't wish to disclose them on a public forum.

did anyone else followup on this nonsense? Is he fo-reelz?

The one time he's invited anywhere and he no-shows


Opie's a humorless coward, and Jim's appearance was infinitely better in his absence.

Security thought he was Todd Pettengill and didn't let him in the building.

"i'm a little locked up this morning"

You guys will understand when you have kids sniff It changes uvrrithing burp.

He was too busy doing a periscope of him drinking coffee.

On a beach, tho!

Opie is the guy that used to work with Scott Shannon & do phone scams, right?


He's to busy recording the next harry the hater sensation.

It takes a whole unionized crew to put out those masterpieces . #moderndaykaufman

ME: I've got 2 kids mahnnnn

Correction: ME: I've got a young son! (And a daughter I never mention or take anywhere with my YOUNG SON)

opie is of the 1850's school of thought that you just leave the genetically disadvantaged child chained up in a closet.

Hey, leave Opie alone. Friday is when Bam gets custody of Lindsay so he has to watch the kids. Jeez, this forum is tough on the poor guy for being a good father.

Fucking faggot didn't go because of the things he said about Scott. He knows that whatever he said to him, Shannon could use against him now, saying he sucks, his show stinks etc.

It is amazing that I now like Scott Shannon more than Opie Hughes.... Who would have seen that coming 10 years ago.

ffffhahahaha what a fagula

Opie is a go to work, go home sort of guy. He's punching a clock these days, never making it out to events or having experiences. It's why he has no stories or opinions.

opie just doesnt go anywhere these days

Oh golly

He can't even be bothered to drop by the shows on his own network. I find that very surprising, because Ope loves hangin' with the guys and doin' some radio.

I think it's telling he's never done Sam's show... even when it was daily at noon or Friday afternoons. He noshows the first daily show and now Sam barely mentions him... and Opie never mentions Sam's show.

And to think, Sam, Opie and the wives used to hang out.


He had his periscope up before, it was him doing Paul Williams' podcast, so I assume he's still in the city.

He's been taking Fridays off all summer to go to a beach house. Why would he skip that to go on the Scott Shannon show? It was probably just a publicity stunt that worked.

Well why in the fuck would he tell them he was coming on then? They obviously had reason to believe bothe Opie and Jim would be on.

Tits, was at home sobbing in his living room, as loud screams of ecstasy erupted from his bedroom. He poured all the guys some cold lemonade afterwards as he bit his lip in anger and rage.

Anthony saunters out of the bedroom behind the entire NY Knick roster, refuses the lemonade, slaps Lynsi on the ass, and looks for a 16 year old Romanian girl to buy.


You didn't listen to the segment. So, they might have explained it? But go on with the shit jokes..