You Idiots Wouldn't Even Be Talking About Pete Davidson If He Had Not Been Doing The Show.

0  2015-09-18 by franklin_27

But now you want him to stop doing the show.


Swallow battery acid you buffoon.

Great retort. You really are a great specimen of this sub.

Thanks. That means a lot coming from a dude that goes out of his way to suckle the Gregg Hughes teet. I bet that "I defeated reddit" blurb in your Twitter bio just gets all the ladies. Hopefully you're hit by a drunk driver this weekend.

OH MAN! That drunk driver comment KILLED! Dragon wagon all the way bro!

I'm going to stop replying. You lead a sad life. I can guarantee you keep it hidden and would be embarrassed if anyone found out. You're a pathetic reddit sideshow. Hopefully you don't wake up tomorrow.

Thank you for not replying sir.

Benjy, this is a sad life.

Good thread. The faggots are angry about it though.


Yes just like if it wasn't for 9/11, I would never of known anything about the people in the building, and now that I do in hindsight I really wish they wouldn't of been in there.

You are HORRIBLE at analogies.

Care to explain?

WOW you are a dumb shit.



Well, another unsuccessful trolling, see ya in a couple of days bud.

OK Opie, everyones a TROLL!

What else would you call a person who comes around a subreddit here and there to make retarded posts obviously to try and make people mad and offers nothing entertaining or of substance while everyone laughs at how theres actually someone more pathetic than us?

Exactly! At least I offer entertainment, even though it's in the form of a joke, like this! Why Can't You Bullshit An Aborted Baby? Because He Wasn't Born Yesterday! RIMSHOT.

I would call that person YOU.

You are HORRIBLE at playing I'm rubber you're glue



Thanks brah!

Vanilla coke or vanilla pepsi? I prefer coke, gang, but hey that's just me!

I'll take any vanilla over anything involving that disgusting lazy high jumping chocolate

Yeah I hate how chocolate tastes like disdain for white contributions to America, disdain for reading, and contempt towards the idea of culturally assimilating here.

Smells awful too

people are butt-hurt that all Cumia can get as a show regular is Sandy Kane.

Are most people on this sub Cumia fans? I was under the impression we all disliked both men and their shows unless a funny person was on

I dont like Cumia. and look for a reason to bash him even when it has nothing to do with him.

Thats the right attitude for this sub sir, you are promoted

If you don't like him perhaps you should become a Former_Tacs_Sub

Pretty sure we all like Jimmy.