The Best of Jim Norton vs Colin Quinn

15  2015-09-18 by SextonHardcastle11


WRONG! THIS IS THE BEST JIM VS. COLIN! The one where Jimmy was being a fucking twat & unfriended all his comic friends on Twitter. I love Jimmy but Colin was right & Jimmy back peddled like a mother fucker!

If i remember right Jimmy says something like "I just thought 'Fuck everyone then' " and minutes later said "It was not a fuck you to everyone" Colin really exposed him for the high-school cheerleader he is.


i go back and rewatch these two videos every few months, fucking awesome

Likewise these exemplify what a slimy worm Jim is. I kept denying it to myself until Artie got in trouble with those tweets & Jim still appeared on a show that banned Art.

No sarcasm or below the ground floor hate but the boy has to sell tickets what is he gonna do? It's a dumb ass radio show who cares.

Haven't even listened yet but I'm guessing Jim is in the wrong on every issue.

Well if you like listening to Jim be wrong then you will love listening to the video of Jim unfollowing all his comics friends on Twitter! And you know it wasn't a joke because Jimmy never mentioned it. Colin called in out of the blue, brought it to everyone's attention & called Jimmy out, who flip flopped like a slimy fish.


My two favorite Youtube comments on the video:

Jimmy is a Grade A quick wit cunt. But holy fuck Colin is a shit talking deity.

As quick as Jimmy is he's still helpless against Colin.

I can't fathom how grown adults think that some social media co outer bullshit is the be all end all of life. "You Wanna Fuck With Me? I'll Unfriend & Unfollow Your Fucking Ass!" Doug Stanhope said it best when he said we live in a generation of Pussies! The only fights you ever see anymore is on a message board. "You wanna talk shit mother fucker? There's gonna be some block user in your future, Faggot!" And he's exactly right! The shirked the thing Jimmy could think to do is NOT read what someone else wrote! What The Fuck??