Tits Blocked Me

16  2015-09-17 by unclepaul84

Just because I commented that Bam fucked his wife during his periscope video. Probably only took him 2 seconds to block me. Lame


You actually said that to him? If this sub is Beverly Hills 90210 then you're clearly Luke Perry's character; a free spirited bad boy who the ladies can't get enough of because you play by your own rules.

What a douche, If I was rich I'd let people say a skateboarder fucked my wife all day

People get to be rich because they don't let people get away with saying their wife fucked skateboarders all day.

Wait, did they fuck all day, or are people saying it all day? I'm confused, and these types of details are important to me for no reason whatsoever.


Alrighty then. Carry on.


This made me laugh because it was just so mean

I laugh to myself at the thought of Opie trying to be cool and collected and pretend like it doesn't bother him, despite the fact that he has to block people on a daily basis at this point.

a couple of haters with thousands of accounts. period (.)

what a dick. he blocked me a while back and all I asked him was what kind of nursing bra he preferred to wear under an oversized golf shirt

I think the Bam-jokes are pretty hack, but this was so absurd I chuckled.

they're not jokes though

I unfollowed the day AntKnee got canned. Didn't want him to think I was following because I actually liked him. I'd be blocked by now anyways. I'm blocked from the pissy eyed faggot but I'm kinna glad that happened. Jimmy and I still love each other though. No homo.

I do find it hilarious that Opie probably thought, until about a year ago, that the Bam saga was looong behind him. Because of this sub, he's been dealing with that shit more during the past year than he ever did when the actual story broke.

That no-talent fuckstick blocked me from his Instagram last year for just saying "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON"

why even bother blocking the few people who still listen, he should be happy someone is taking the time to check out whatever dumb shit he's doing, regardless of if they're "haters" or not

I think i saw this happen. Was this during the Fat Stangel Ball Freeze shit?


I was blocked by tits before I hit 10 tweets

I'm also blocked by Bob Kelly, Roland, Troy, Denny, Lady Di, Bobo, Keith the Cuck, Brother Joe, and the fatter Stengel

Damn! You were blocked by Brother Joe? There went your street cred!

Yea, my trolling account is slowly turning into all pornstars

No one cares.

Can't believe that got you blocked... Get a life

they're not jokes though